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"Uhh tbh ur not worth anything"

"Just stop trying pls its not going to work"

"I heard this bridge is the perfect place for you..."

All those voices and messages in my head are all repeating over and over again. I don't know what to do. Who do I turn to? How do I get of the negativity and turn it into positivity? 

Are they envious? When I accomplish something. They just emphasise my mistakes making my feel like one.  But they know that I am having a hard time with life, so why do they make it worse. I may not have the best features but I know for a fact that there's no reason to make fun of a person's imperfections. I'm just trying to be happy. Why are they making my negativity their happiness? So many questions. I feel like I have the answers but, I haven't spotted them yet.

I've considered lots of things such as moving schools but it will be just pushing those problems away without solving, cutting myself but I know I'm smart enough that putting physical pain on myself trying to replace emotional pain is not really going to work or just ending it. But I know for a fact that it will all pass away and I know I have experience what they pushed me through and hopefully they will get a taste of their own medicine.

Yes, I have friends but the ones who I consider real friends are in different schools. I have close friends, but I have trust issues and which makes me resist. But for now I will just use books and music to let me escape and release the stress.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now