Chapter 41 - Here we go again.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Good Morning," my eyes slowly open and I see Taekwoon dressed up. "Sleep well jagiya?" He sits in front of me holding my hands. "Ne~", he kisses my lips. I couldn't get enough of his soft pink lips, "Let's get you dress so we can have breakfast," he said taking the covers away. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed and applied minimal makeup. I see Taekwoon applying cologne, "finished" I said taking my phone putting it in my pocket. "Okay let's go," he said.

We left the room and went down to the breakfast buffet, "There isn't much people," I said. "Well it's around 7:45am and its still the weekend so most people would be asleep," he said. "True, come on let's get food," we both grabbed plates and filled it with breakfast food. Also having coffee with it, "Oh yeah the question that you didn't answer, so would you still fall in love and be with me, even if I was like Cam," he asked.

"Well you are trying to have a better life, but you have to finish paying off the debt first. Also learning parkour, hmm effort is needed to learn, so yes since you have risked your life doing these things, just to see me," I said. "Sacrifices needed to be made, just so see and be with like us right now, this is a rare occasion when we have breakfast together for even spend time, but we both know that we need to hide it," he said. It's been almost 6 months since I have debut and a hectic schedule, "I know I guess we have to wait longer," I said eating my food. "What are your activities, in Australia?" He asked. "I was not told yet, but hopefully most of the time I will spend it with my friends and family there but most likely I will," I said. "There's always a business aspect into it," he said taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

"So what are you planning to do there?" He asked. "I want to walk the harbour bridge, also go to theme parks, eat the food I miss there and many more," I said. "Will they know your an idol?" He asks. "People who listen to K-pop, the school probably knows already since things there spreads like wild fire, but I don't think I will have a flock of fans surrounding me whenever I go," I said. "Hopefully, your song is quite popular," he said. "Really? For a debut? I don't think so there are so many improvements needed," I said. "Believe me, well what do want to do when you comeback?" He said. "Rest, but that won't happen, I would probably start preparing again for my comeback," I said. "What's the concept?" He asks. "I don't know yet, even if I do know I would've kept it a secret," I stuck my tongue out.

"Wow," we both finished our last bite. We both left the table and head back to the rooms," Did you eat well?" He asks. "Yes I did," I said. "Good, it looks like you losing too much weight," he said. "How? I feel the same," I said. "When I hugged you to sleep last night, your body seems skinner than before and it scares me" he said. I reach over to touch his cheek, "It's okay, I am healthy, I am still eating right?" I said. "Yes, but please don't listen to what they say, you're perfect" he hugged me. "Thank you jagi, saranghae."

We both stood there for a while but we realised that we're both just at the door of the hotel room. "You know we could've done this when we're inside" I chuckled. "I help but say it," he said we both entered the room. Appa and Aunt Clarissa knows that I have to get back to the dorms and I will meet them in Sydney. We both got our belongings, checked if I missed something and the manager was there to pick us up. "How was the wedding?" He asks. "The traditional wedding has so many steps and they don't get to kiss at the end," I said while he took our things. "I didn't really understand why they had a traditional one, I never thought that they would honestly," he said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now