Chapter 47 - What? Why? How?

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Having a week of work is pretty boring," I tell myself. Despite that I catch up on unfinished work, sleep and such things. The fans completely understand why, and they encourage me to do so.

"VIXX drinking together, Leo gets mischievous," I read on my phone. "Mischievous?" I say. I clicked on the website and it turned out to be Koreaboo. But seriously that website must use google translate, but I still read it.

Yesterday night, the VIXX members and their managers all went out drinking together. Most of them went drunk, Leo on the other hand was a little 'Naughty' during that time. A younger female worker, sat on his lap and started talking to the members and he seemed completely fine. But the members seemed uncomfortable that the young female worker would do some harm so they told them to go away so they can return to their dorm.

Also, someone has seen VIXX'S Leo 'Sleeping' with someone. Look at this photo below.
*attached photo of Leo and me*

What happened to Leo? Is he dating?

I knew that room was my room. Who could've taken the photo, a hidden camera? Iseulgi? But she was out for most of the day. My phone rings it was, Manager Oppa.

Me: Hello
MO: Hello, have you heard about Taekwoon?
Me: Well you seem to be updated all the time, but yes I have.
MO: It's my job to know, you never know the articles may give false information. Just wait for Taekwoon to tell the truth.
Me: I will, I just hope it won't take a long time.
MO: I hope so before there will be trouble
Me: yeah....
MO: Hey take it easy, he'll tell you the truth.
Me: But who took the photo?
MO: I don't know, do you have anything to do with it?

Me: He came over so we can catch and spend some quality but we were both didn't get a lot of sleep, and I didn't want him to sleep on the couch so I let him take a nap with me.
MO: That's invasion of privacy here, who do you think took the photo.
Me: Some saesang fan could've installed a hidden camera, or my roommate could've came home early and saw this.
MO: Why do you think your roommate would take a photo?
Me: Well she seemed suspicious that Taekwoon and I talk and became close in the agency and whenever she goes and make conversation he is pretty cold. Because you know how he is.

MO: Yeah I understand, she seems like she wants to know about your personal life more than her own.
Me: Maybe, but Taekwoon said that she gave a bad impression since she wasn't really respectful to her seniors.
MO: Ohh I see, well I look deeper into this and ask her manager he is close to me and just be careful since you are at a critical situation.
Me: Okay, Thank you oppa.

I continued reading the article and some people are thinking that it's me, since they realise it's the same room I filmed in for my videos and vlog when I was training. Everything is still in their same place the only change would the bed sheets, and the amount of things I have on my desk.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now