Chapter 17 - Did we just to that?

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Kaisa's POV

I see N chasing Ken trying to pat the booty. I gave this weird funny look before I started laughing. They both looked me then resume, "Sit down, we can eat without them", said Ravi Oppa. "Hey!!", they ran and sat down before anyone else starts eating. I looked at the table with a heap ton of food. I just started diet and exercise and now I already have a cheat day.

'Kaisa you are doing an amazing job', but I couldn't regret eating really good food. "Let's eat well!", we all say. I take the chopsticks and eat some food, Hongbin stood up and walked over to the refrigerator to get some drinks when he came back with water, coke and soju. I am not legal, but at the same time I'm indoors not outdoors so it's basically my choice.

Hongbin and Hyuk started pouring the drinks and handed them out to us. Everyone got a cup of coke and a shot of Soju, including me. I wasn't sure if I should take it but maybe one or two just to respect my elders. "Is this a good idea for Kaisa to drink?", Leo asks. "Just one shot, an award for your hard work", said Ken. Maybe just one, "Fine just one", I say. "Yayy", they all say except Leo.

We all take the shot and it was smooth down the throat, but one is just enough before I could go crazy with it. I continued eating, drinking water and coke, "Let's play truth or dare!", Hyuk yelled out. "Do you think it's a good idea?", I ask. I feel like this will make the members go tipsy or even worse.

"Okay!!", said Ken he didn't seem tipsy I guess he's a strong drinker. "I guess it wouldn't hurt", I say. Then I see Taekwoon taking another shot before starting the game. We used an empty bottle of soju, to play the game, "Kai bai boh to spin the bottle", said N with his fist in the middle. "KAI BAI BOH!!", Leo, Hyuk and I had rock, N and Hongbin got paper and Ken and Ravi got scissors.

"KAI BAI BOH!", Leo and N got scissors while the rest of us got paper. For the last time, "KAI BAI BOH", Leo got rock and N got scissors. Leo got to spin the bottle and it landed on Ravi. "Before we ask, if you do truth your next turn will be dare", said Ken. "Dare", Ravi confidently spoke out. "Mix, water, coke and soju together and drink it", I say. "Woah, that's tight", said N. "I wanna mix it", said Hyuk.

I see that the evil maknae Hyuk has activated. He got the a small glass and mixed the liquids together, with more soju and Hyuk added in a hit of soy sauce. We took off the blind fold and gave him the drink, he took one gulp of it and his eyes widen instantly. He managed swallowing most of it just spitting out the rest. Ravi spun next, it landed on Hongbin. He took one more shot before saying, "Truth". "Okay what do you like most about Kaisa?", asked Ravi. "I like everything about her", he said then looking into my eyes. Leo Oppa gave Hongbin this envious look before the bottle span.

"Kaisa-ah", said Hongbin. "Truth or dare", N oppa asks. "Truth". "Okay out of all of us who do you like the most? I mean by who would you date?", he said. "I like all of you but it has to be... Leo oppa", I said. I look at him and it seemed that he was blushing. "Why? Provide a reason", said N. "Well to be there's this vibe which he gives off and he seemed to be the protective type amongst the people he loves", I explain. "Why not any of us?", he asked. "Okay you guys also send off the type of energy but Leo oppa stood out the most to me", I said. "Ahh okay I see", said N.

I look to my left and see Hyuk and Ken whispering amongst themselves. I wonder what they are talking about. I spin the bottle and it landed onto Leo. As I was thinking Did I confess to Taekwoon just a few minutes ago? I mean... Ugh I don't know. "Truth or Dare?", I ask.

Leo's POV

I knew she never wanted to drink but it's for the respect of her seniors. But when she said that I was her ideal type, I was really happy in the inside as it gave me confidence to pursue. It made me confident enough to now say, "Dare". "Woah Taekwoon Hyung is doing a dare", said Hyuk. "What dare? Ahh, the Pepero game", Hyuk said with his finger up like me had an idea.

"Do we have pepero?", asked Ravi. "Yeah we do", Ken ran to the cupboard and took a box and came back. "Here", Ken opened the box and pulled put the Pepero. Kaisa was sitting next to me and I just moved just a tad more close to her. With the Pepero in Kaisa's mouth, I lightly held her shoulders to prevent myself from crashing into her. I took the other end into my mouth and nibbled closer. We both had our eyes closed so I don't know how close am I to her.

I didn't want to invade her personal space so I decided to take the last bite before moving away. I wish to move closer but it's for the best. As I was about to take the last bite someone push me into her making our lips connect. It lasted for about five seconds before I realised that we're surrounded and pulled away. "Sorry", I say. "It's okay, not your fault", said Kaisa. I look over to see who did it, I do have a guy feeling that it was either Ken or Hyuk because they know about my feelings to Kaisa.

I guess I will apologise when I send her back to her dorm. I instantly felt really shy but happy that I kissed her. But it was an accident by one of the younger children.

Kaisa's POV

I felt his lips touch me and now I'm all red. My cheeks felt really hot like I had a fever. But it was an accident, I don't blame him for it. Time flew quickly when we noticed the time on the clock. It was already 10:45pm and a few of them were knocked out, I knew Leo drink much but Hongbin and Ken are still going strong. N is a bit sober I guess and Ravi and Hyuk are knocked out.

"I'll put the kids to bed, Taekwoon take Kaisa back to her dorm", said N oppa. Ken and hongbin help the boys out and out them to bed. While Taekwoon Oppa and I head back to my dorm. He didn't really speak much after the kiss and I was hoping that he would a little bit. Maybe he was a little embarrassed after what happened. When we reached the dorm he spoke out, "Can I talk to you?". "Sure come in", the door was open and we both took off our shoes before heading to the living room to sit down.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, I didn't mean to", he said. I stopped him by taking his hand, "It's okay like I said before it's not your fault", I said. He looked into my eyes and my heart started beating faster than ever before. He took his hand and caressed my cheek before putting the strand of hair behind my ear. While he was still gently holding my cheek, he leaned over closer and began to close his eyes.

His soft lips touched mine again, he started moving from left to right as he was lightly sucking on my bottom lip. I closed my eyes and gave him more entrance to my mouth. Bit by bit he started kissing my more deeply and passionate. It was my first kiss so I didn't know what to do but he was the dominant on now. He gave one last kiss before pulling away both of us panting a little bit.

"There's also something I want to tell you. Uhmm, I've been wanting to meet you so badly when I saw you at the airport. Then when I ended up finding out that you were in our company, I got excited. I really wanted to get to know you better. Then when I heard you sing and when I saw you dance you have so much talent. Then when you agreed to have spend time when we... I felt like the happiest man in the world. When I saw you with the animals and how you acted like a mother when you take care of them, I fell in love you more. When we're at the park just talking till the sun goes down, it was the most perfect thing to do", he said.

He looked down so I took my finger and lifted up his chin, I know it's usually a man thing to do to a girl but hey it's 21st century. Well I think it is. "Well I've thought about it and when I technically confessed to you during the truth or dare. But I couldn't help keep those feelings inside it must've showed one way or another. You make me feel much more whole as a person, I felt loved from you when you take care of me", I simply said.

"So is that a yes?", he asked once more.


What that cringeworthy? Please tell me if it is or not.
But hey Taekwoon and Kaisa confessed to each other.
I hope you liked this chapter
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I'll try to update more till school starts, but till then...

Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now