Chapter 46 - Hidden Emotions...

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

I didn't get a wink of sleep, it was mostly broken sleep. But at least I've got some rest, I heard Iseulgi leaving the dorm for her schedules. I look at my clock and it's 6:30am, "What am I going to do???" I said to myself. I don't want to get out of bed and do anything. I don't seem to have the motivation, maybe I can workout for a few hours. But Manager oppa said I have to stay out the streets, it's early in the morning so I can just go fully clothed with my mask on and then change at the gym.

I got out of bed and looked through my closet and threw the clothes I'm going to wear on the bed, with bag I'm going to use. I went to the bathroom and refreshed myself, then I went back to my room to changed and do the rest.

I stepped foot outside and started walked to the gym, I quickly power walked since if I walk slower people would start adding up here on their way to work. Once I got their I went straight to the restroom to change into my gear but keeping the same mask on, I did cardio, core workouts and arms like that my trainer told me to do. Music is pumping out loud through my earphone cancelling out the other noises around me making me forget the pain. I didn't know that I workout for a long time, I guess it's that I have nothing to do now versus a jammed pack schedule with no room to spare.

It's already 9:20 am so I headed to the bathroom to shower off and get changed from my sweaty clothes and the mask that got drenched with sweat. I called my manager to pick me up here since the streets would be busy by now. In no time I saw the Van and manager oppa lowered the window down for me to see him. "Did you sleep well?" He asked while I put my seatbelt on. "No not really," I said. "You seemed to overwork yourself," he said. 'There's nothing I can do about it' I thought. "I'll just rest and try to get better sleep when I get to the dorm," I said. "Good," he said.

"Here, make sure you sleep well," He said. "I will try, see you later," I got off the van and into the elevator again. 'I can't even go anyway by myself anymore' There's no privacy. I walked out of the elevator walking toward the door when I see a tall figure knocking on the door. "Sunghae-ah Open up," he said. I squinted my eyes a little to get the clear picture of who he was, "Taekwoon Oppa!!" I shouted. He turned around I was slowly walking to him while he ran to me and gave me a big hug. "I miss you," he said hugging me tighter. "Let's go inside," he said. "How did you know that my roommate is gone?" I said. "Ohh I saw her at the agency," he said. Thank the heavens that I took a shower when I finished working out.

I put my bag on the table and he backed hug me, "Why?" I said. "Because," he kissed my neck. "Let's go and rest," we both went to my room and laid on my bed. "How was your trip?" He asked. "It was good, it wasn't spectacular or anything. I just did a few interviews and then I have the wedding," I said. "Hey everything is going to be fine," he said while I hide my face on his shoulder. "My nightmare can true, he just came back to haunt me," I said. "You did the right thing," I started sobbing. "Everyone says don't think about it, don't worry or stress about it but how? I was pulled into a bush about to get raped," I said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now