Chapter 59 - Catfish

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Taekwoon's POV

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Taekwoon's POV

I couldn't sleep, I've been calling her, texting her waiting for an answer. I take another gulp of my coffee before making another one. Everyone says, 'Don't worry, we'll find her' or 'Please just lay back and don't be pressured.' Okay having a significant other, who has been kidnapped and now missing really pierces to the bone. It's constantly on your mind, the questions that needs answers, 'What have they done to her? What did they do to her?' I want the answers, I need the answers.

I head out to meet with the private investigators.

Sunghae's POV

I sat in the same chair uncomfortable, I wasn't able to sleep well, and last night they came in and installed something and I remembered they said, "Don't even try, we have cameras," it was a deliberate move to keep me awake. I was about to drift off to sleep but they came into the room with a paper bag. "I am sorry about Master," said the man. "I don't know why should would bring my friends into this, they have nothing to do," I said. "I know but don't worry, I feed them well while master Claire is not around," he said unpacking the food for me. "Thank you for taking care, even though we're at this state.... Can I ask you a question?" I said. "Sure you can ask," he replied removing the locks from my wrists. "Why are you working for her? You're too nice for this," I said.

"Well my partner and I are in deep need of money, so when I met Claire she realised that I had multiple jobs so I could earn money for my potential family. So that's why I work for her, her decisions for somethings are bizarre but at the end all she's going to give me is money if I follow her orders when she is around," he explained. "Ohhh I understand, thank for again," I said. "It's alright I will leave you so you could eat properly," he said and left. "Such a pity, getting more money just to help his future family," I took a bite of food.

Claire's POV

"Hmmm what should with her phone," I observe her phone and I put it straight down when one of my men came in. "I've done what you told me," he said. "Good, we need her alive for this," I responded picking up the phone. "What are you going to do with this?" He asks. "I'm thinking to respond, to the multiple calls and texts that Leo sent to Sunghae," I said. "I am sorry, but are you stupid? He would probably call and you can't imitate Sunghae's voice," he said. "Oh don't worry, he will probably text back most likely," I said. "Suit yourself," He said and left the room.

"Why does he always doubt me," I picked up the phone and try to unlock it. "Sh*t what's her password," I try to guess. I tried her birthday, Leo's birthday, her debut, her family and the regular easy ones. "F*ck, what is her passoword," I tried one more time and it got disabled. "Oh f*ck, why is it so long?" I slammed it down on the table.

Taekwoon's POV

"Someone tried to unlock into Sunghae's phone," my head shotted right up. "Is the location sign on?" I asked. "No but I could try and hack into it," said the investigator. "Is it possible?" I ask. "Well since we've been trained in this department I guess I will be, and this could be the only that we could find them," said the investigator. "Is the location sign on?" I ask. "No but we could hack into the system and change it," he said. "Oh I understand," I said. "Her phone is currently disabled, so we'll wait for it and we'll turn on the camera to see who it is," said the investigator.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now