Chapter 11 - What am I Supposed to Say?

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Kaisa's POV

I stand in front of the building again, I took a deep breath and stepped inside. The ladies at the reception already knew me, so they just nodded and greeted. I stand by the door of the CEO's Office and knocked, the door immediately opened and I took a seat. "You have made your decision?", the CEO asks. "Yes, I have my documents here". I put the folder onto the desk and he skims through the paperwork.

"Okay, I'll photocopy this and give you the original copy". "Oh, it's already been photocopied, so no need", I quickly said before he stood up. "Oh okay, thank you for being prepared". "No problem", I say back. "Okay, you can come back here and you'll start training next week, tomorrow you'll move into your new dorm so, we'll give you the address to where your dorm will be and you can get settled and get used to the place". "Oh thank you, can I ask the question?", I ask again. He nodded, "Can my brother visit?". "Of course, I know it's hard to live away from family outside the country". "Thank you very much", I said.

"Okay, I'll give the address and when you go home you can start packing and in two days you can move in". "Okay", thats all I can say. "Then when you are training, the VIXX members will mentor you since they are closest to your age".

I hope they are not harsh on me, I'm just a teenage girl pursing her dream.

The CEO gave me an envelope, with the address, keys and some sort of booklet or pamphlet. "Okay, I'll see you next week, and Welcome to JellyFish Entertainment", we both shook hands. "Thank you for this opportunity", I made my way out the door. I made my way to the car but Oppa was waiting outside, "Did you get it?", I couldn't contain my happiness anymore and shouted, "YES!!". He gave me a tight hug and pats on the head. "Okay, lets go home". We both got into the car and drove home.

Oppa said that he'll order food, for us to celebrate. "Oh yeah, Oppa I need to move into the new dorm tomorrow. Can you help?". "That quickly? Yeah I'll help you... Well you better start now so we can enjoy the food more". I walked off to my room and started packing my suitcase, oppa gave me boxes and extra storage containers to keep to put my extra stuff, then I have a hand carry bag which isn't that bad.

••• Time Skip •••

"Ahh, I'm finally done". I went out the room and see the food all on the table. "You're done? Okay lets eat then, we'll put your things in the car tomorrow", I sat down, ate and watched TV. "Kaisa, make sure you don't get into trouble, okay". Like I didn't do anything, "I don't even do bad things, so how will I get into trouble?". "You're right, but I meant by is that you should listen to your teachers, mentors all that stuff", he explained while eating. "Ohh, of course, I will".

"Good". We end up finished all the food. "You'll pack up the table and I'll wash up dishes. Then you will take a shower then go to sleep". "Okay", I went to pack the table up and then took a shower before going to bed.

••• Time Skip •••

The alarm went off with an annoying sound, I thought it will help just in case but the sound made it irritating. I had the alarm clock on the study table to I had to get up and turn it off. I got out of bed and got ready. I ate something little since I don't feel good after I eat in the morning.

Oppa had managed to put most of my things in the car. "You should've let me help", I say when he walked back into the apartment. "Well you were still sleeping and I was already awake so might as well do a head start. Beside you can carry your bag and suitcase", well less work for me. "Okay". We headed down to the car and oppa put my luggage inside. I gave him the address and he typed it into the GPS.

We drove to the new dorm and I checked what floor, I will move into. "Level 11, I guess it's good since the top floor is 21", I say. "That's not bad, we can take the lift and used the containers will wheels to roll the boxes", he suggested. "Good idea", we got out of the car and started unloading my things.

When we managed to bring all my things to the door, I unlocked it and went inside and to me this dorm looks better than I expected. For now since, I don't know if I will ever have roommates, I'll not take all the rooms. When I explored the dormitory, I the room looks quite big with a huge study table and and wardrobe with the mirrors kind. So luckily I don't have to get any furniture, so all I have to get is food. There was a storage room so after, I unpacked everything and left the containers in the room and put the boxes into the storage area.

Oppa left and said that he'll buy the groceries, extra bed covers, sheets and usual things I need. I cleaned up the room and everything else before I can play guitar. Appa was able to ship my piano-keyboard to oppa's place so we we're able to bring that as well. I placed it on the stand to the wall close to the table, with the guitar next to the table.

After an hour or so, oppa came back. He put the groceries in the fridge and the pantry. It's pretty late now, so it would be best for him to go home now. "Oppa, thanks for the help, you should go home and rest". "Are you sure?", he asks. "Yeah, I'm sure thank you for helping me". "Okay take care of yourself, I know you can succeed, remember eomma and appa are very proud of you and I'm here when you need anything", he embraced me knowing that I will leave him again and on my own.

He left the dorm and I just changed into my PJ's and relaxed, with music silently playing.
'Ehh, what do I do tomorrow?', I thought. Well I can just film the covers and that since I have all my equipment here.


Will she get a roommate, will she be able to live on her own?
It's 2016 now!! Honestly I still feel the same hehe :)
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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

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