Final Chapter 80 - Epilogue

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

~15 years later~

"OMMA!!" I ran towards her. "Omma," Embraced her as it has been years. "I missed you," I continue to hug her. "It feels really good to see you after so many years, but you know how I was watching you," I let go and look up to her.

"And I am very proud with your accomplishments, you see what you accomplish you had a family with three children. You lived more than me, before you passed. I wished you not pass you the cancer gene," she looked down. "Omma, everything happens for a reason, after you passing away it taught me how valuable life is, and it made me accomplish all those things," I said.

"You travelled with your family, attend vixx fan meetings with the children and the fans fully accepting and showing their love to you guys. Also teaching them everything you want them to know and everything else."

I looked down to see Taekwoon playing with the children, Sarang at 16, Woonhae and Saeyoon both at 12 who are both twins (boy&girl) I still see the pain in his eyes.

Taekwoon's POV

It's hard that Sunghae is gone but our children is the reason why I am still strong. I wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have children, "Can we visit Omma?" Asked Woonhae. "Sure let's go, do you want to buy flowers as well?" I asked. "Let's get flowers from the garden, Omma will like that," said Sarang. "Sure we'll do that now," I said we all went outside and cut some flowers before leaving.

We put on our masks as we enter the premises since there are people around the place as well. We paid a huge amount of money so our place can be private and only to close family and friends. "Hello Omma we got this from the garden for you," Saeyoon placed it next to her name. We all sat down around it and talked together, it's been a year the CEO was very nice to give me a hiatus for a few weeks to help the children get through the passing, VIXX has went out their way to help us as well to help me take care of our children. When I have a schedule, and the others doesn't they would come over to look after the kids along with their kids. Which I am very grateful for.

"Appa can I talk to you?" I looked to Sarang and we both stood up. "Woonhae, Saeyoon stay here remember what Omma and I told you," I said we both walked near the tree, "What's wrong?" I asked. "What happens if I get the cancer gene?" My heart sunk as the realisation that Sarang is growing up fast, I hugged Sarang as I try to find the words to say.

"There are many ways to prevent it, I'll do everything to keep you all alive," they are my source of happiness, my stress relievers, my biggest supporters. I see how they all relate to Sunghae herself. "I'm scared, I don't want to leave you Woonhae and Saeyoon," I close my eyes and took a deep breath. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen, and Omma will always look after all of us," I said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now