Chapter 66 - Rehearsals Galore

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(A/N: VIXX Dark Concepts, always slayy~)

(A/N: VIXX Dark Concepts, always slayy~)

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Sunghae's POV

"Okay let's try again," I said standing up. As weeks gone by really fast, we were a week away from the concert. "I'm tired can we rest?" Said Taekwoon trying to pull me back to my seat. "But we need to practice, it's the first time for me to do this type of dance," I said. "Hmmm okay, let's do it," he finally stood up. "Remember like how we practiced before, just let loose and feel the music," he said before starting the music. "The next time we'll record it and see how we go," he said before we began dancing.

"Tell me now, now, now~" as the music played he was super close to my face, touching my waist as we both move together. After we finished the dance we both took a break and sat down, "I think it would be better if we kissed on stage," Taekwoon suggested. "What about the fans?? They'll go crazy," I said. "I'm going to ask the CEO when we finished," he said. "What??" He stood up and fixed the camera before we record.

Hongbin's POV

They are both seemed to be enjoying it will it's serious. I watch them dance through the glass tempered door but they didn't seem to notice my eyes through the clear part of the door. "Look they are both enjoying that they can perform together for the first time. Can you be happy for her?" Said Ravi holding my shoulder. "I am its just Taekwoon, being the one who can just touch her comfortably on stage," I said.

"I hate to break it to you but as you can see they are really in love, and if you wanted her as much Taekwoon would you should've went first instead of resisting," he said. "It's my fault at the end, Taekwoon is the type to do everything and say it straight to the point," I said about to hit the door before Ravi took my fist. "Don't afflict pain on yourself or on the door because you could disturb them, that's the way life is," said Ravi I let go from him. "I know let's go and practice," I said we both went to the other room to practice.

Taekwoon's POV

"I bet that the fans would love a practice video," he sat down next to me. "Are you sure about that?" she asked. "Of course they would want to know what we do," I said. "Besides we did film a video so we're done," she said. After she made that comment the CEO came in, "Working hard guys?" He asked. "Yes, we're just taking a break," I said we both stand up. "So can I see what you guys have done?" He requested. Sunghae and I looked at each other, "Sure," we both said. "Great, I'll play the music," he said as we got into position. "Alright," he played the music.

As we both danced again, the CEO observed us as we both finished he asked, "Are you planning to do anything else?" I took the opportunity to ask, "Well I was suggesting to Sunghae something," I said. "What is it?" He asked, I went over to him and whispered it. "If she is okay with it, you could do it," he spoke back. "Okay thank you," I said and I went back stand next to Sunghae. "Okay, great job guys i'll leave you now to continue," he said and we both bow before he leaves.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now