Chapter 36 - Procrastination at its finest

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Arghh my head hurts," I put my head down on the table frustrated about about school. "Then let's think about something else other than maths," said Francis. "How? we have an exam," said Minah. "Her debut, and that girl who's been asking us a lot about you," he said. "Why would she want to know more about me," I ask. "I don't know but we've been eavesdropping that you and Leo are dating or being really close," he said. "Can we talk about this when we get to my dorm, my brain doesn't want to process anymore," I packed up my stuff and we all left to my place.

While we are walking we pass by a convenient store, "Do you want to stay for the night and study?" I ask. "Not for me," said Francis. "I will call my parents about it," Minah replied. "Okay, we'll buy snacks first I'm hungry." We entered into the store and bought lots of ramen, chips, candy and drinks. "Is it heavy?" I ask. "No it's fine," said Francis. We quickly made it to the dorm. As we walk toward the door I see lots of packed boxes, "Are you being evicted?" Asked Minah. "I don't think so, oh well let's go in" I said.

"Annyeong?" I see a girl maybe around the same age, carrying a box. "Oh Annyeonghasyeo, jeoneun Soo IseulGi imnida," she put the box down to shake my hand. "I'm guessing you're the new trainee" I said. "Yes, the CEO told me that I will move in with you, I'm sorry for the inconvenience" she said. "I am Chee Sunghae, nice to meet you. Well it seems you know the extra room, the manager told you right?" I said. "Yes he did," she answered. "Well I'll leave you too it, we are going to study," they already put their bags down sitting on the couch. "Okay, I will try to not make as much sound as possible," she said.

"Sunghae-ah, we'll study ahead and we'll teach you. Don't worry we won't finish the snack," said Minah. "Okay, I'll help Iseulgi," I went to my room and check if everything is fine. "That means I have to put away the photo of Taekwoon and I," I hid it in my confidential compartment. You never know what will happen. I went to Iseulgi, "Do you need help?" I knock on her door. "Yes, please" I walked in and see that most of her room is nearly done. "I'll help clean up," I said packing up the empty boxes.

After helping her clean up, I changed into something more comfortable. "Have you guys done anything?" I ask. "Not much" they laugh. "Oh well let's get started," I sat down with them. "I called them, they are all good with it. But what about the new girl?" She asks. "It's fine, it's only us two" I said. "Are there going to be any rules," asked Francis. "I don't think so, maybe common sense will do. But I will tell her if it's needed, we both will need to be considerate of each other," I said.

"So about that girl who is always mentioning about You and Leo, what is the real deal?" Asked Francis. I look to my side to see if the new girl is there, we all went closer, "I can trust you right? My career and his career can go to jeopardy," I said. "You can trust us, we're your only friends," said Francis. "He got that right," said Minah. "Okay, we are in a relationship, but I can't trust the new girl yet. Besides our relationship is a secret VIXX, his and my family knows also you guy," I said. "That new girl gives me a bad vibe," said Francis. "I can't trust her, there's something weird going on, but I can't pin point," he said. "Oh well I always have to be cautious," I said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now