Chapter 23 - How busy can we get???

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Leo's POV

I wake up to the sound of the alarm, I got up and got ready for the schedule. But also today Hongbin will join us again, from what I heard we'll all meet in the hotel before going off. I was not able to contact Kaisa as much as I can since I was so busy with the activities with VIXX and LR. I decided to text her just to say sorry, 'Good Morning, sorry if I was not able to talk to you yesterday. I will explain everything when we get back. Enjoy your day :)', I sent her the text.

I am still contemplating on if I should ask Hongbin about what happened with him and Kaisa. I know Kaisa is a honest person, so I hope Hongbin will tell the truth as well, if he doesn't well... I don't know, my trust in him would decrease. We had time to eat breakfast and get ready properly by the makeup stylist, I checked if Kaisa has replied but she hasn't yet. I guess she's still tired so I won't disturb her with another text. I sat on the bed and wait for the other members to finish their makeup, after around 20 minutes of waiting Hongbin walked into the room.

"Oh Hyung, how's the flight?", said Hyuk. "It was alright, I caught up on sleep", he replied. "Have you eaten yet?", I ask. "Yes, I have", he said. I nodded and went back to listening music on my phone. The something came to mind, "Oh how's Kaisa?", I ask. I really hope that he will tell the truth before I ask Kaisa about it. "She's doing well, the CEO sent her to the drama shooting to learn acting skills and the manager said that we just go back to the agency together", he explained. Hmm, "Did she eat well?", I added. "Yes she did, I asked her if she wanted to eat ramen since it was close to dinner time", he said.

I'm glad that he said the truth though, "ahh okay that's good to hear". "Wae? You jealous? Wahh hyung is jealous! Hyung is jealous", he said then Ravi joined him, to say the chant. I just inhaled and exhaled before standing up and walk over to them but they both quickly ran away, then I sat back down again. We all waited for Hongbin to do his makeup, then we'll go to the interview from what I remember.

Kaisa's POV

"3 more sets!! You can do it!", said the trainer. It was a struggle honestly the workouts gradually become more difficult. But at least I'm living a healthy lifestyle, "Okay, now you can just jog on the treadmill just to settle you down", she helped me back up and I walked my jellylike legs to the treadmills. I took my phone with me so I could listen to some music to help me forget the pain.

'Good Morning, sorry if I was not able to talk to you yesterday. I will explain everything when we get back. Enjoy your day :)'. It made me smile like a fool again, I knew he is a busy man with music but he is enjoying it and I won't stop him. We both have the same dream so why would I want to try and take someone down who is succeeding there. I texted him back, 'Good Morning, sorry for the late reply. It's okay I know you're busy with your activities and I understand, please take care, rest well and eat well'. What he did is it a cute gesture. It took around 10 songs till I finish my workout for today, I took my stuff to go and change.

I head back to my dorm so I can drop off my belongings so I wouldn't have to carry anything that's heavy. I made my way back to the agency, on the way to the music studio until they called me to the dance room. I wonder why, I knocked on the door before going in and seeing Seo In Guk in person. I suddenly became more nervous already, but there were other people in the room including the CEO. "Annyeonghasyeo", I say. "Annyeonghasyeo, Seo In Guk imnida", he shook my hand. "Okay today we'll see how you skilful you are in your acting", said the CEO. "Also we'll be filming this so you can look back and see what you can improve on", he added.

The PD gave me a script to memorise the lines. I sat down and the lines seems deep in emotion, "Okay are you ready?", I ask. "Ne". "Okay, Kaisa you're playing Chichay and Seo In Guk will play Joaquin, the breakup scene", said the PD. The CEO sits and observes us, we both stand in place and waited for the director to say, "Action".

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now