Chapter 12 - A Shadow 20cm Taller.

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Kaisa's POV

I got a call from the agency and they told me to meet them at 9 am. I still can't believe that I will train to do something, that I wanted to do when I was little. I guess it was everybody's dream when they were just kids. I got changed and ate breakfast before heading out to the agency.

Once I got there, they all greeted me and welcomed me. I was told to meet the CEO at his office again. But know I was more comfortable to knock without hesitation. As I walked in he instantly asked, "Are you ready for your first day?". "I guess so", I say nervously.

"Okay lets go to the recording room". I followed the CEO and as we got to the room I see another idol, I'm guess he is one of my mentors. "This is Kaisa, she's the new trainee we were talking about", the CEO explained. "Annyeonghasyeo, joeneun Chee Sunghye imnida", I do the 90 degree bow. "Annyeonghasyeo, jeoneun VIXX Cutie Main Vocal Ken imnida", he does the cute peace sign.

I try not to blush, by his cuteness, "You'll also have a vocal coach throughout your training and debut", the CEO said. "Well I will leave you with Ken", the CEO made his way to the door. Great now I will be left with a guy who is full of aeygo but still he can act different while mentoring me.

"Okay, I'll give you a song to sing and we'll see what you need to work on, okay?", he made that OK sign. "Okay, sure", I say shyly. Hopefully I'll become comfortable with this. I head into the recording booth and I stand near the microphone, which was adjusted too high maybe above my head. Then I remembered the dude is around 6ft and I'm 5'4. "Oh sorry, I forgot to adjust the mic before you came", he walked in to adjust the stand. "It's okay", I smile.

He asked me to sing 'Make you Feel my Love' by Adele. Which was a good song for me to sing since it suits my range. After I sang the song, I came out and he told me to sit down, so I can listen to his verdict. "About time the CEO found you, we need more voices like yours in this company and the you can talk in another language", he said. Wait, I thought some of the Idols recommended me? Well it could be someone else or it would be creepy to mention. "Oh, thank you Ken-ssi, I'm flattered", I say back to him.

He patted my head, "You don't need to talk formal to me. Call me Ken Oppa", he said smiling. "Okay, Ken O-oppa", I am not used to talking to people older than me informally. Well the age difference is not that big anyway, "So do I have anything to improve on?", I ask. "So far, just keep practicing and your vocal teacher will help you along the process also the VIXX members and I".

He is a really nice Idol, because in some cases Idols are really harsh because of jealously, of having the potential to be better and use the excuse that it will help them improve if they are really strict. "Okay, so I heard that you play some instruments", he mentioned. "Ahh, yes I do". "What do you play?", I look over to the instruments in the corner and say, "Guitar and Piano".

"Can you play for me? Please?", I put my hand under my chin and tapped my cheek. "Okay then", I walked over the instruments. "Which one do you want me to play first?", I ask. "Ehh any. What you are comfortable with", he shrugged. I'll play the guitar, since it looks cool just by holding and even better knowing how it play, like I said before. I started to play and sing along to 'Hallelujah' by Jeff Buckley. The subtle tune makes it angelic to hear.

I only sang the first verse and chorus before moving on to the piano. I played 'River Flows in You' by Yiruma. After finishing it, all I can hear is Ken oppa clapping and cheering. "Woahh my dongsaeng is so talented, daebak!!", I smile and laugh,"Thank you".

Leo's POV

As I was walking to the my music room just to work on some songs. I hear someone playing the Guitar and Piano, "Woahh, my dongsaeng is so talented, daebak!!", I hear Ken. Dongsaeng? Last time I remember Jaehwan has two older brothers. Then I hear a girl laugh. It sounded really cute though, which made me grin. "Thank you", she said and nothing else.

I felt like opening the door but I really want to finish for today and get another Latte before going back to the dorm. "Okay, let's hear you sing a Korean song. Hmm what about 'Eyes, Nose, Lips' by Taeyang? Also try to play it on a instrument at the same time", Ken asks. "Okay, I'll play the guitar". She seems close to Ken already. Well that's a part of his charm he is able to communicate easily and make people happy.

I decided to stay and listen to her version then go back to work. I stood close to the door and decided to record it so I can hear her voice.

Kaisa's POV

Well playing this song is easy to me now, I go back to the sound room with the guitar, plugged it into the amplifier. Before playing I was trying to figure out what I did last time so I decided to do a mix of both strumming and fingerpicking.

For most of the time, I would have my eyes closed while singing. But near the ending of the song I opened my eyes and saw a shadow by the door about the same height as Ken oppa. After I finish the song, I put the guitar back and sat back down.

"You're really good at singing or talking in Korean, but like I said before just more practice. What is your first language?". "My first language is English because I was born in Australia but my parents, taught and spoke to me in Korean sometimes". I got to be honest, I don't think I speak well and my pronunciation is a bit off.

Leo's POV

I continued to stand at the door, until she is finished and I wanted to hear what Ken wants to say. I agree with Ken, her Korean is really good even though she was born and raised in Australia. I finally walked off to the music room and transferred the recording to my computer to make it sound much more clearer.

I really wanted to see who she was but, I was thinking if it was the girl I bumped into before. Her voice seemed to match her looks. But I can't assume anything yet, hopefully I'll get to work with her. Soon.


Yepp, recording Kaisa's voice by the door is so not creepy (at all).
Hmm is Leo's prediction right? Will she work with him?
I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3
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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

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