Chapter 16 - Awkwardness to the Max

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Kaisa's POV

I looked over at my schedule and saw something I don't want to do. Gym. Workouts. I swear I will pray that hopefully they will go easy on me. I wish I shouldn't have ordered food yesterday, but I will lose weight so my metabolism can go faster and I'll eat more. No shame.

I walked to the kitchen and made a proper healthy breakfast before I regret eating anything else I shouldn't. After eating I got ready and just wore comfortable gear since I don't have many "Proper" working out clothing. I took my bag and put my wallet, phone, water bottle, towel and spare clothes.

The meeting place was at the gym in the company building. I walked inside and put my things down, out of the blue someone came out. "Annyeong I'll be your Personal Trainer, I'm Choi Jihye", she said. "You'll also have a male trainer but he be taking over if I'm not available", she furthermore explained. "Okay let's get start. First we'll measure your weight, height", she said.

No not my weight, I'm pretty conscious about my weight but all I know if I will debut I would be fat shamed because I don't have the very slim body of a idol, also I am 162.5cm in height, which I pretty short I think for an Idol, from what I've seen. I look at the weight scale, "Okay, looking at where your body fats are. They are mostly at your thighs and butt, so we'll work on that and we'll just to ab workouts to just strengthen your core. Okay?" She said. "Okay".

"I don't want to go hardcore on your first day, so you'll be able to move on the next day but it will gradually get harder". She demonstrated workouts and I copied her.

••• Time Skip •••

"We're done for today", we both stood up. "Thank you Jihye Unnie". "No problem, just call me if you need any help with anything", she said. Okay, I went into the ladies bathroom to freshen up and get changed out these sweaty clothes. I got out and made my way to the exit, it was already noon so I can just go out and have lunch then go back to the dorm.

But again I turned the corner and bumped into someone. I stumble but the person has gotten ahold of my arms. I looked up and it was Leo, "Ohh annyeong, sorry again". "It's alright, just be careful. Are you hurt?", he rubbed my arms a bit. "I'm fine, well I should get going. I think you're busy". "Hyung, are you done?", it didn't seem like Taekwoon's voice but someone behind him. I lean over to see and it was Hongbin waiting. "We'll just workout, I'll text you later", he said before letting go of my arms.

They both walked past me, but Hongbin gave me this look which I can't point out. He doesn't look like he was mad, sad nor happy. I made my way to the out and went to this cafe which looked really cute with it's nature. I sat down and the waiter gave me a menu, I decided to order something healthy I couldn't think anything else but a salad.

I scroll through my social media for the updates, until my food came out. As I was eating and looking at my phone, I receive a text message. My phone was not on silent so it gave me a shock at first, I look to my left and right to see anyone who saw what happened. I look at the notification and it was from Taekwoon Oppa. I thought he was working out, it seemed like a quick session then.

~Text Message~

T: Annyeong, are you home?
Me: No, I'm at the Garden's Café eating but I'm nearly finished then i'll go home. (A/N I don't know if Garden's Café is real)
T: Ahh okay, please text me when you get home okay?
Me: Okay, are you finished with your workout?
T: Yeah it was only a quick session before we do our own thing.
Me: So your not busy?
T: Yeah, until around 4pm your coming to practice right?
What? I check my timetable.
Me: Oh yeah I forgot hehe :)
T: I'll see you then, remember text me when you get home :) See you
Me: Bye

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now