Chapter 64 - Composure

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(So obvious that there will be Smut)Sunghae's POV

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(So obvious that there will be Smut)
Sunghae's POV

As I got home, I had nearly forgotten that I owe Taekwoon. Until I saw a box on the bed, "What is this?" I put down my things and picked up the letter. "Well Hongbin did promise me to make an apology when he sees you in the agency. But other than that, please wear what I have gifted for you in the box. I'll see you soon, I love you," I read out.

Judging from the boxes appearance, it gave off an erotic feel. I opened the box and it was this navy blue lingerie, I took it out and it was a sheer lace navy blue bra, with the matching underwear and a silk navy blue robe that goes down to my mid-thigh. "Won't he just rip these off?" I ask myself. I shrugged and went to the bathroom to take a shower and prepare myself. As I sat on the chair, blow drying my hair I had major thoughts on what he will do to me. "He's full of surprises," I unplugged the hair dryer putting it back in the draw.

As I checked the time it was 9:30pm. "Where is he?" I thought of the possible reasons of why couldn't be here.

'Getting ready?'

As I sat on the chair my fingers tapping against the table the door bell rang breaking out of my trance. Hoping that will be Taekwoon, because if it wasn't it'll be so embarrassing for someone else to see me in this type of outfit. As I went to open the door, it was Taekwoon. 'Ohh thank god' I scream in my head. Taekwoon stood there and stared, after a moment he comes in locking the door, smashing his lips onto mine. "You look so hot right now," he said between kisses. I backed up onto the wall, while he untied the robe revealing what I am wearing underneath.

"You wore it," he places a kiss on my lips. "You'll be disappointed if I didn't," I pulled away and he shrugged. "Maybe," he said and resumed kissing my neck down to my chest, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I feel his hardening member against me, he carried his way to my room closed the door before laying me down. "You don't know how much I've been longing for this," he said taking off his shirt. I didn't get enough time to prepare myself as he has cuffed my wrist with the handcuffs. "I'll take care of you," he came face to face with me before laying a deep kiss.

As fricken cliche as it sounds. I have surrendered myself to him, I am vulnerable, he has the power and I'm just here waiting. Taekwoon's hands roam around my body, as his lips seems like it's craving for more, from my lips down my jaw to my neck, until he reaches my chest. He lifted me up as he unclasps my bra, "Honestly I would be much more happier for you to wear nothing underneath the robe," he gentle bite my earlobe. My moans became uncontrollable, his lips goes over my nipple as his tongue plays around, kneading and playing with my other breast.

After playing with one boob with the other clasped between his lips, his hand goes down to my wet area and rubbed it with his two fingers. I hear him chuckle as he went back to my lips, "You're soaking through your panties." I didn't even notice it but he unbutton the from my wet area leaving in underwear crotchless, he reached over to the drawer, and took out the condom and something else. "Where did you get that?" I asked. "I have my connections," holding a vibrator before turn it on and placing in my wet cavern. "Ohhhh f*ck," I moan out as he still plays with my folds.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now