Chapter 79 - Memories

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Push you can do this!!" Taekwoon held onto my hand while Aunt Omma is comforting me. Pregnancy was a rollercoaster, but thank god my parents left for a while then came when they found out.


Our family and the agency told us have a honeymoon, so they collapsed our schedules and manager oppa was given a break while Nayoung helped other stylists with idols. "Where do you want to go?" I looked to Taekwoon before looking back at the CEO and our parents. "We were thinking to go to Hawaii," he said.

When I gave it more thought about the honeymoon isn't during that time where most women get pregnant?

"That's a good choice, too bad you guys didn't get to go to Hawaii during One Fine Day," said the CEO. "So what is going to happen?" I asked. Referring to when are we going, what are we going to go and where we are going to stay. "So we are going to book the flight including your accommodation and what not, we will email the details to you so I would suggest you to pack now," said the CEO. "But we have to give something back, you're just paying for everything," And he nodded.

"You have done a lot, like working for our company, also working on all your schedules while planning with your own money and now you guys bought a house. Take this as a gift from the company for all your hard work,"  he said. "Oh thank you very much," we both said.

When we got home we took out the suitcases and started packing, "What do you know about Hawaii?" Asked Taekwoon. "It's summer right now, so we have to he careful with insects and our skin," I said. "We shouldn't care if we get a bit tanned, it's Hawaii it will be worth it," he said. "True, but we'll have to occasionally wear sunscreen and bring Aloe vera if we get burnt," I said.

"Yep, okay let's get started," He said. We took out clothes and shoes, I also brought out a some swimsuits because I fee like that would be a perfect time to wear them in Hawaii. "What are you going to wear?" Asked Taekwoon. "Casual or just going out?" I asked. "Just going to the beach," he said, I picked up the swimsuits and showed it too him. "Don't worry, I'm going to wear something over it," I said. "I don't want guys to stare at you," he said.

That was very adorable of Taekwoon to say that, "You know that I'm going to be with you majority of the time right?" I said I kissed his cheek. "True, I will show who you belong to," his hands wrapped around my waist a tenderly kisses me.


"He sent the email already," Taekwoon eyes glued onto his laptop. "When are we leaving?" I asked. "In two days," he said. "That's so quick, luckily we finished packing," I said. "Yeah, other wise it will be a hassle."

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now