Chapter 62 - It could work.

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(A/N: He looks so f*cking hot here, OMG >_<)

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(A/N: He looks so f*cking hot here, OMG >_<)

Sunghae's POV

Why does Hongbin want to meet me at the garden? I didn't want to keep him waiting. So I took my phone, put on a jacket and shoes before heading out. As I looked through the window before walking into the elevator, I see Hongbin oppa waiting at the gardens. Once I made it to the ground floor, I quickly made it outside into the gardens, then seeing Hongbin oppa on his phone. "Hongbin oppa!" I called out and waved as I approached him. "Oh hello, Sunghae-ah," he gave me a hug and it was a rather long one.

"Uhmmm, oppa?" I awkwardly spoke out. "Oh sorry," he released from the hug. "Please sit down," I sat in front of him on the bench. "Oh these are for you," he handed me a bouquet of flowers. "Oh thank you," I accepted them. I don't know why he would do this but oh well it would be rude to turn down. "I know we've haven't been talking a lot, due to schedules and such things. But I just want to ask if your okay?" He said choosing his words carefully.

Hongbin's POV

"Yeah, I'm okay it's a bit boring when Taekwoon oppa is not around," she said.

Great. She mentioned Taekwoon.

"I understand, well are you doing anything right now?" I asked. "Not at the moment," she reply. Yes, I could take her out, "Do you want to get coffee?" I asked. "Now?" She said. "Yeah, why not," I replied. "Well I have to put the Flowers in the dorm," she said. "Sure, I'll escort you," I stood up and helped her. Once we arrived at the dorm, she quickly put down the flowers into a vase. While I looked around, "Sorry, if it's a bit messy," she spoke out. "Messy? It's very clean. Better than dorm I'm at," I said.

I checked out her room and it was designed nicely, it fitted Sunghae very well. I looked around it was very clean, her table with her laptop, PC and other stationary is placed neatly, her Guitar and electric Piano, even her bed the plushes are neatly placed there are no creases with the sheets. As I continue to look around, I see a ripped packet on the floor under the bed but still visible. I picked it up thinking it was just a random packaging of food but it wasn't it was a condom packet. "Why would she have this?" Considering that it's found in her room near the bed.


I was sitting in the lounge room with Hyuk, Ravi hyung, Ken hyung and N hyung. But Leo hyung wasn't at home and it was already 11pm. When he came to the dorm, he seemed different more happy, less stressed but I guess that's something you get in every relationship. "You seem very happy," said Ken hyung with somewhat of a perverted face. Leo hyung has been much more happier since he has gotten together with Sunghae. "Why can't I be happy?" He said and proceeded to his room.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now