Chapter 38 - Why didn't I think of that??

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"I wonder why he's so cold to me, but to Unnie he's so nice," I hid behind the wall as I hear Iseulgi talk to herself. After a few seconds I came out from my hiding spot and walked in 'without' knowing anything. "Annyeong, Unnie did you sleep well?" She asks. "Ne~ what about you?" I ask. "Yeah I did," she responded. "How was dance practice?" I ask. "It was great, I learnt a lot of things," she said. I made myself coffee hoping this time it won't make me sleepy. "What are you going to do today?" I ask. "Maybe vocal training. Uhmm can I ask you something?" She asks. "Sure what is it?" I replied.

"Are you and Leo close as in super super close?" I wonder why we don't show PDA in public. "We're just friends, we usually see each other in Starbucks since it's the closest cafe here," I said. "Ahh okay," she said. "Don't worry it takes time." I walk back to my room with my coffee. I sat by my desk, checking the emails.

*Ding Ding*
JTW: Good Morning <3 did you sleep well?
Me: Good Morning, yes I did. What about you?
JTW: Of course specially when I dreamt about you.

I sighed at the text because it was so corny, but blushed and fangirled at the thought of it.

JTW: Why are you taking long? Are you blushing?
Me: Hmm you can answer that yourself. Hehehe
JTW: Knew it, oh are you getting along well with your roommate?
Me: Yeah, but we are not that close and she keeps asking personal questions.
JTW: she needs to learn how to think more.
Me: I agree with you but she's still young
JTW: Yeah but even with her seniors she's a bit disrespectful.
Me: Is that why you have a cold expression towards her?
JTW: She did give me a first bad impression
Me: Why? What happened?
JTW: Well in short words, she barged into practice, interrupted Hakyeon while introducing since she knows us and even though we all have individual schedules Ken and Hyuk had to spare their time to teach her. The rest of the members also has the disgraced face on.

Me: I see... Oh well she'll learn I guess it takes longer time for her
JTW: Sometime I feel like she's following me, it's like she's not here for the training experience but for the attention from us.
Me: Okay, don't think too much babe, I understand.
JTW: Thank you babe, I wish I was there with you.
Me: I know, but I will see you at the agency right?
JTW: Well I have the musical performance today so I won't be there.
Me: Ohhh it's okay, well I have a photoshoot today.
JTW: Okay, I will see you soon. I love you
Me: I love you too.

Obviously I already finished my coffee, so I washed it and put it away before I took a quick shower so I can go to the agency. Minah told me to always lock the door but still to keep my things hidden away from Iseulgi could think of. So I did just to be safe because I've heard of cases where people have really shitty roommates. "Iseulgi, I have a schedule I'll see you later," I waved while she's on the phone. "See you." I closed the door behind me.

Iseulgi's POV

"Was that Sunghae?" Said ??? "Yes she just left," I told her. "What are you waiting for? Search her room," I follow what she did, I placed my hand on the door knob and tried to open it. But wouldn't budge, "It's not working" I said. "Then find the key for it," I looked in the drawers carefully not breaking anything, "I can't find it, I don't think there's a spare key" I said. "Ughh, then pick it," I took my bobby pin and tried to pick the lock. Ha. Like that works, I don't want to do this, I would've been better but I couldn't.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now