Chapter 21 - Cameo! Cameo!

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Leo's POV

My things are already packed and ready to go. It's still early in the morning so Kaisa must be asleep, I want to visit her before I leave it will make it much harder for me to leave her dorm. "Hyung, we're going now", said Hyuk. I took my stuff into the van. I sat down in my regular spot listening to music with my earphones on. There was a bit of traffic on the way but I didn't really care that much, since it's so early in the morning. I decided to text Kaisa, so she can read it when she wakes up to check her phone.

'Good Morning! Did you sleep well? I'm on my to the airport with VIXX. I wanted to meet you but it was still too early and I didn't want wreck your beauty sleep. I'll call you when I get to the hotel. Text me when you see this. See you soon :)'

Hopefully she'll answer back, I decided to take a nap, since it's too early for me to operate.

~Time Skip~

Kaisa's POV

*Ding Ding* My eyes slowly open by the sound of a text message. I took my phone and check who it was from, 'Taekwoon Oppa'.

'Good Morning! Did you sleep well? I'm on my to the airport with VIXX. I wanted to meet you but it was still too early and I didn't want wreck your beauty sleep. I'll call you when I get to the hotel. Text me when you see this. See you soon :)'

I checked the time he sent it, '5:45 am', I sent a text message back so he won't be worried if I don't. 'I got your message, please stay safe, eat well and enjoy your time with the Japanese Starlights'. I felt energised after reading his message, I got out of bed and got myself ready for the gym session and more training at the agency.

••• Time Skip •••

"Our session is done, you've worked hard", said the trainer. "Thank you, we worked well", I head into the change rooms and then went to the music room, "Annyeong, so I a while back I finished my workout session, I decided not to record since there were other people and I didn't want to ruin their privacy, also the fact that I was sweating a lot. Now I'm at the music studio doing some vocal lessons, bye", I turned off the camera, then Bora Unnie came in. "Hello Unnie", I smile and waved. "I wanted a cameo in your vlogging", she made a sad face.

"Okay, I'll turned on the camera", I took the camera out of my bag. "Hello again, my gorgeous vocal teacher Kim Bora, she wants an appearance in this vlog", I waited for Bora Unnie to introduce herself. "Annyeonghasyeo, Kim Bora imnida. I am Sunghye's vocal teacher and she is doing an amazing job so far", she finished. "Thank you unnie, okay we'll get practicing now. See you soon", we both waved.

"Okay we'll sing this song and I'll help you out with the keys", she said. It was a hard song that I've received from unnie, 'One Night Only'. "Unnie this song is hard", I spoke out. "Don't worry, I'll help you", she said. After singing the song we had a small break so we can just talk whatever we like. "You know what you've seem to be maturing now", she said. "I guess it's because the fact that I now live by myself in another country", I said. "That's a good point, but there's also something where I can't pinpoint. Hmmm", she taps her chin. "I'm still in high school unnie, I want to cherish my teen years", I said. "I know that, but soon you're going to become an adult very soon", she said. "I know, c'mon let's get back to work", I took my last gulp of water before singing again.

"Thank you for your hard work unnie", I gave her a hug before she left. "You're welcome you've worked hard too", she waved before heading out. I stayed in so I could practice a little more. "Annyeong, so the vocal lesseon has ended and now I am just putting some more practice for myself. Then I'll go home and rest, annyeong", I turned off the camera and resumed to what I was doing.

Leo's POV

"Welcome to Japan", the plane touched down safely. We all made our way out and into the customs and all that air traveling stuff. We all got our luggage and made our way to the van, we all had our sunglasses on because of the camera flashing. We all walked into the van and greeted the fans before we left. "Have you sent a text to Kaisa-ah?", asked Ken. "Yes, I have", I replied. "Did she sent you anything back?", he asked. "I'll check", my phone was still on airplane mode.

'I got your message, please stay safe, eat well and enjoy your time with the Japanese Starlights', it made me smile. "Wahh Taekwoon Hyung is smiling", said Hyuk. He peaked at the message and I gave him the neck chop. "Kids please settle down", said N. "Ne~", they all said. I fell asleep a little bit more so I could talk to Kaisa properly.

~ A Few Moments Later ~

"Hyung! Hyung! We're here", said Ravi he gently pushes my arm. I woke up and got out of the van. The manager took us inside and arranged our hotel rooms. "Okay let's go to our hotel rooms", said Manager hyung. We followed him to the rooms, we took the elevator, "Okay Leo hyung your rooming with Ken and N, while Ravi and Hyuk your rooming together. We head into our rooms and the first thing I did is to flop down onto the bed. "Wahh it's so comfortable", said N when he laid down. I rolled onto to my back and stared at the ceiling.

"I will be going into Ravi and Hyuk's room", said Ken the door closed when he left. "What did Kaisa-ah say?", N hyung asks. "To stay safe, eat well and enjoy our time with the starlights of course", I replied. "Ahh okay, well since I'll be heading out you can talk to Kaisa alone. See you", he left closing the door behind. 'Is she available now?' I ask myself. Well I won't know if I don't contact her. I went into my contacts and looked for 'Kaisa <3', I know it's cheesy to just put a heart at her name. I clicked on FaceTime so I could see her.

She was able to pick up, "Annyeong, I missed you", I waved. "Aww it's only been a few hours".
"Well what are you doing now?", I ask.
"I'm in the music studio practicing. What about you?".
"I'm at the hotel now talking to you now", I smile.
"Did you get enough sleep?", she asks.
"Ne, I slept on the plane and on the way to the hotel. What did you do before you practice?".
"I had a workout session and vocal lessons", she said.
"Who was with you?", I ask.
"I was with my trainer and then vocal teacher why?".
"Are they male or female?".
"Of course they are female. Why? What you were thinking?", she said.
"Because I don't want you around other men".
"Ahh I see, you're jealous", she said.
"Yeah, I'm not there to take care of you".
"So when you're here you are not jealous?", she said.
"Yes still I don't want you, with other males unless it's family".
"Ahh okay".
"Have you eaten yet?", I ask.
"I have snacks in my bag".
"Okay good".
"When are you coming back?", she said.
"I'm not sure yet, since we have our 'Depend on Me' schedule and the VIXX LR showcase".
"Ahh okay, so your just resting until your busy? Huh".
"So I can also talk to you".
"Wahh", I laugh at her.

"Woah is Leo Hyung laughing?", someone shouts in the room. I turn around to see who it is. It was Ken, with Hyuk, N and Ravi. "Hello Kaisa-ah!", they all wave and laugh. "Okay, I'll get back to you. Bye", I quickly waved and hanged up. I got off the bed and scold the members, I couldn't fight Hyuk since he is the strongest person here. "Since when you were here?", I asked once I was finished with them. "Uhm... Just a few seconds before you laughed", said Ravi.


"Okay, let's go eat now then we'll rest for tomorrow's schedule", we all left the hotel to eat ramen.


Hello Readers, I was able to write up a chapter in my spare time after school (if I don't have homework)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try to update more when I have time :)

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Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now