Chapter 26 - Don't Worry... Yes

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Kaisa's POV

So ended up doing my homework, since I couldn't sleep. I finished it around 1 am since I ended up procrastinating in the process.

*Ding Ding*

"Who the hell is here this early?!", I look at the time and it was 6:30 am. I got out of bed put on my hoodie and brushed my teeth. "I swear I would like more sleep. Seriously", I walk up to the door and to see who it was about to give a piece of my mind. It pisses me off when someone has to wake me up early in the morning.

I open the door and stood there in shock. A pair of arms were tightly wrapped around me giving me warmth in my heart. It's been long, I hugged him back as well, "Taekwoon Oppa". "Can we stay like this?", we both stood in the same position for a few minutes. "Come on let's go inside", he said. We both sat down on the couch, "I got these for you", he handed me the flowers. "Thank you, I'll put it in the vase", I placed the flowers on the table in front of us. "I thought you said soon", I asked. "I wanted to do a surprise", he said he hugged me once again. "Do you have a schedule?", asked Taekwoon. "Yes, but later", I replied.

"When did you arrive?". "A few hours back", he said. "You should rest", the fact he just flew in a few hours ago. "No need, you're here. I rested when I got to the dorm", "Ohh, do you want coffee?", I stood up but he pulled me back down and kissed me to his hearts desire. He got a hold of my waist and placed me on his lap. His hands move up and down my body, while I just cup his jaw with my hair covering our faces. He moved from my lips to my neck marking my collarbone, he laid me down on the couch with him on top of me.

"We should stop before we both get carried away", he said. "Yeah", I panted. We both sat back up, "Have you had breakfast yet?", asked Taekwoon. "No, you came around 6:30", I said. "Did I wake you up?". "Yes, but it was you so it was alright", I said giving him a smile. "Let's go and have breakfast. Get changed now", he said. I stood up and went to change my clothes and all that stuff. Before leaving I put the flowers he gave me in the vase for decoration.

"Kaja", he took my hand and locked the door before leaving. "Where are we going?", I asked. "Don't worry about it", we both entered the van and it seems the driver already knows about it.

Leo's POV

I missed her. It was really hard to be away from her. I didn't know how I managed to be in another country without her. I know work is important but sometimes I just want to stay at home, rest and of course spend time with Kaisa. Even the place we are going is kind of far but it's away from the hectic life. Just a place where we can heal for a while, "Are we close?", asked Kaisa. "Nearly don't worry", I said. I am planning to take her to this resort so we can just relax and enjoy each others company.

"You can catch up on sleep if you want since there is a bit of traffic", I said. I felt sorry for waking her up in the morning, I knew that she was busy yesterday but I couldn't help but see her once she is awake. I look out the window and see the sun shining bright with clear skies. I look over to my left and see Kaisa sleeping soundly, her lips slightly apart, her cheeks puffed and her hair. "Cute", I took my phone and made sure it's on silent so I could take a photo of her. Not one but more than ten.

Hyung seems to now the shortcut to this place, "Kaisa-ah wake up", I lightly tapped her shoulder. "Hmm?", she slowly opened her eyes. "We're here now", I reply. "Ahh okay", I took her hand and lead her out of the van carefully. "Wahh", her eyes opened as her got a clear view. "You?". "Yes, for you", I back hugged her. "How?". "I just want us two together for a while, I told your manager to give you a day off so you can rest. You've been working very hard everyday".

"Thank you so much, you didn't need to do this", she said. "But I want to, come on let's eat". We both walked to the buffet, "Ahh I'm on a diet". "No need for you to diet, give yourself a cheat day". I don't want to see her starve, she loves food like me I don't want her to stop that. We both got our food and sat down, "Let's eat well", we both dug in. "When did you plan this?", she asks. "Before I left for Japan". "Two weeks ago?", her eyes widen, "Yes I did, don't worry about let's finish eat then I'll take you somewhere", we both finished off our food and went out.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now