Chapter 73 - Time flies Fast.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

The music intro starts and VIXX starts walking onto the stage like models. "Dayum, they look really good," said Nayoung. "I know right," the fans scream uncontrollably as we turn around to see the amount of light sticks waving in the air. "They look like blue lights from the ocean," said Nayoung. "It's beautiful," I smile and looked towards the stage right before they started dancing to Chained Up.

Hearing the fans, singing and chanting made more enjoyable as VIXX knows that they have been excited for a long time. "Did you see that?" Nayoung Unnie nudged my arm. "Uhmm yes," she was aware that I was only staring at Taekwoon whenever he does something. "Then body rolls though, and that eye contact he makes towards you," she said. "Aye, it's turning you on," she had that perverted smile on her face. It's just half way through the song and Nayoung had to keep on reminding me how Taekwoon made eye contact with me while he body rolls.

"I'm not the the only one," I admitted. "True but still eye contact while doing sexy moves, he's sending signals to you," said Nayoung. "Shhh there are fans around us they might listen," I whispered. We continued to watch the performances before they sat down and talked to the audience, "Are you guys enjoying our performances?" N oppa held out his mic while the audience shouted, "NE!!!"

"Well we are going to release the choreography for Fantasy and Love me do, so please enjoy," they stood up and the stage managers took the microphones and seats. The fans cheered as they the lights dimmed down and the music started, the music started and the fans starts cheering. "Woah the best comeback in my opinion," said Nayoung. "Yeah, it's more of our type of music," we both continue to watch their majestic dance following Love me do which killed me when Taekwoon dances. "I hope you'll live at the end of the concert," Nayoung looked at me while my jaw drops at Taekwoon  "Barely," I look back on stage.

As the song ended, it was the interval and I was sitting down, "Are you okay?" She patted me on my shoulder. "Yeah, I am fine just your seeing your boyfriend mind f*ck you to the brink," I sit back on the seat. "Aye, I saw Taekwoon-ah just staring at you," said Manager oppa. "Okay no need to remind me," I said. "I'll get some snacks you guys can stay here," Manager oppa stood up and left. By that time I got a text message, "Who is it?" Asked Nayoung unnie. "I checked my phone and it was Taekwoon. "Taekwoon," I said. "Ahh okay," she sits back and goes on her phone.

"Did you like the performances??" I read the text messages. "Yes, I did," I texted back. "I'm glad, did you like what you see?" My eyebrows rose while I smirked. "Hmm I don't know," I sent the cheeky emoji. "Oh well you'll see more," he sent a smirk emoji along with it, when I put my phone away Manager oppa came back with drinks and snacks. "Thank you oppa," Manager oppa gave us the snack and drinks. "I didn't buy much since we are going out anyway," Said Manager oppa taking a sip from his drink and we both nodded.

As most of the fans came back, the lights dimmed down and we see them in different outfits standing on the podium. Singing Out of sorts, it was beautiful it was more toned down from the hardcore performances. Then throughout the song when Hyuk wasn't singing he started to tear up as he was very touched with the fans singing along with their light sticks looking like stars in the sky. I must say even though I am not done with the concert it would be the best one I have attended.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now