Chapter 78 - The Commitment.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Are you ready?" Aunt Omma comforted me. I'm still slightly hungover but still able to function well. "I'm nervous," Nayoung Unnie continues to put on my makeup with the other are having their photos taken. As time goes by one of them came into the room to see how things are going.

Last night I got a call from Hakyeon Oppa that they held their bachelor at their dorm and Taekwoon is sleeping after drinking and eating. So I am glad that they are all safe, "Are you done?" Omma-ssi came in. "Nearly done," said Nayoung. Omma-ssi took a good long look at the mirror and gave me a back hug, "I couldn't ask for a better daughter, what was your first impression of me?" She asked.

"I guess I was nervous when I first met you because I want to put my best foot forward, but when I saw put so much care for us it all went away so I was able to open up easier," I said. "Awww~ I'm glad you did, I understood Taekwoon's situation on how he was saying that you were the one even though you guys saw each other at the airport. He couldn't stop rambling on about you when he saw you at Jellyfish," she said.

"That's so cute of him," I smile once Nayoung stepped away once she is finished with the makeup and hair. "Okay we can remove the cloth," the cloth which was a legit blanket which covered the dress from any makeup. "Wahhh~" everyone saw the final look which everyone gasp. "Where's Sunghae?" The girls stepped to the side and let appa in. "Wah~ Sunghae-ah you're growing up so fast," he embraced me into a hug.

"Time goes too fast," I said to him. "I know but at least you have grown up and learnt so many things while being independent at a young age, I'm so proud of you."

"I love you appa."

"I can't believe you're getting married already, I will support you in every way until my day comes," he said. "Please don't say that," I couldn't afford to lose another parent even though it is true that it will be his time to go soon.

"I love you, remember that always," we both let go before Nayoung gets at the ruined masterpiece of hers. "I'll be on my way, the guys will be wondering where I am," he said before he left. "I guess we can commence with the photoshoot," before putting on the dress we made sure that my photos were taken before getting dressed. Now we are all primped up we all stand together taking photos, ranging from candid shots, to cute and silly then to the beautiful and graceful shots.

Taekwoon's POV

"Can I see her?" I asked fixing my tie in the mirror. "Uhmm do you want bad luck?" Asked Hyuk. "Do you believe in those?" I turn to him. "You know here in Korea or in just any country or culture we don't really believe in that right? Especially that we all know that one superstition won't wreck a relationship," I said.

"True true but think it would be best to surprise yourself on how Sunghae looks," he said. "But I want to talk to her," I said. "I understand that you want to talk and see her but I feel like it would be best to wait," Appa patted my shoulder. "You're right," I said. The photographer came into our room and we all gathered to take photos and videos.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now