Chapter 72 - Behind the Scenes

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Taekwoon's POV

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Taekwoon's POV

I stand at the middle of the stage, at our final rehearsal. "All will go well. We all worked hard," I said under my breath. I have to say that this is probably the hardest I have worked. But I know it will all pay off for the next two days of the concert. I know that Sunghae will be watching as well, so hopefully she'll enjoy our performances. "Taekwoon-ah are you ready?" I looked behind see Hakyeon walking towards me. "Yeah I am, for now at least," I sighed. "What do you mean?" He replied putting his hand in his pockets.

"Maybe later, I want this concert to be special. Specially that Sunghae and my family will be watching," I said. "True, but from the approval from all of us your performance is perfect," Said Hakyeon. "Thank you, I just hope that Sunghae will enjoy it." I look to Hakyeon, as he places his hand on my shoulder, "She will trust me."

"Let's go everyone else is waiting," we left the stage and joined everyone else for dinner. "What do you want to do when the concerts over?" Hakyeon asked. "We'll eat a lot of food!!," Said Hyuk. "That's obvious, anything else?" He asked. "We can have a few drinks, but we can't go over board," he said. "Well I guess it's best if we don't because we most likely we have work for the comeback performances," I said. "Hyung is right, we can just drink at our dorm during the weekend since that's the time we usually have free time," said Hongbin.

The fact that I am a bit weak with alcohol and I want to spend time with Sunghae but I don't want to be drunk. "Okay we'll just eat out with our manager and some of the staff members, as celebration after the concert, so our family can be included. That includes Sunghae as well, with her stylist and manager" I said Hakyeon. "CALL!!" They all said. "Sunghae and her crew is family to us anyway," said Ken. "Right," Ravi high fived Ken.

We wanted to eat a lot but we couldn't, since we have the concert tomorrow, we wouldn't want to look bloated.

~Next Morning~

Sunghae's POV

"Sunghae-ah~" I lay in bed still sleepy. "Sunghae-ah~ It's already 11am," Said Nayoung. "What do we have to do now?" I asked, I finally open my eyes. "Well we have to think what we have to wear and then we'll eat so we don't have to have a big meal later before the concert," she said. "Right," I sat up and stretched my limbs. "You ready now?" Nayoung unnie just stood there. "Yes," I stood up and went out the room with her.

"Aren't you excited for the concert?" She asked. "Yes I am but I don't need to express until there is at 2-3 hours left," I said. "Okay, I've been trying to wake you up since I cooked breakfast a few minutes ago," she said and we sat down. "Oh thank you," I said and she gave me a cup of coffee. Nayoung has been staying with me for the last few weeks as I have a lot of time off and if she has work it's easier for her. "What made you choose to become a makeup artist?" I randomly ask. "I just enjoy doing makeup, and then having it as a job it a dream come true and then having styling on the side is a bonus," she talked so passionately while holding the chopsticks doing those hand gestures.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now