Chapter 33 - Hard Work means Great Food

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Kaisa's POV

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Kaisa's POV

"Okay Cut!!", said the director. We all got our makeup and clothes fixed. We're filming the music video now since we've finished putting together the other songs for the mini album called Alone in the Light. A/N: I just made this up don't search it up. Unnie fixed my makeup since the dance part was a bit fast. The scene is setting in a tunnel with the me walking and singing then dancing at one point. Then at the end I find myself out the tunnel in the light where people are. Basically the character wants to be closed off away from reality but it won't let her.

We all returned to set and continued filming and reviewing footage for the next few hours. Then it was my turn to act, feeling hesitant to walking back into reality. I was nervous since I didn't know how to act it out, "Okay pretend that you didn't know that you have to get up on stage in front of your whole grade to talk or perform, but outside", said the director. "Okay thank you", I nodded and walked to my position. "And Action!", the music starts playing and I walk forward looking from side to side the behind me before I started lip syncing. I payed extra attention to my facial expressions and my body language since it was a mid shot of me.

"And Cut! Perfect Sunghae-ah", said the director. "Do you want to shoot the dance scene again? Just in case", we all looked at each other and nodded. We all went to our positions and waited for the queue to dance. After that we all went over to review the footage, "Are you all good with this? I ask. "Ne~ we're all happy with it". "Okay let's film the last scene", said the director.

The part when I'm back into reality. "Action", I start to walk and my eyes open wide when I look at everyone in a relationship being all happy and I'm just here like yeahh.

Taekwoon's POV

So the VIXX members are on our way to visit Sunghae on set. But she doesn't know about it, "Annyeonghasyeo we're on our way to support our trainee who is about to debut", said Ken. "So N hyung how do you feel that our trainee is now filming her debut music video?", he asks. "I feel proud as an oppa knowing that she is fulfilling her dream and how she worked hard to be where she's at", he said. I would say the same thing but fans would really be suspicious, "Leo hyung what would you say?", asked Ken winking on the other side. "Well N hyung has said what I thought but also the fact she came from another country, move schools and away from her family to be here so I am very proud of her that she endured it all", I said.

"Wahh your words are so nice", said Ken while I look down. "Hongbin-ah, what do you think?", he asks. "N and Leo hyung said all that I wanted to say, so yes I am proud of her", he said. "Ravi-ah! Hyukkie what do you think?", I turn around to look at them playing in the back. "We're are proud, our trainee has done well", they went back to playing. "Hongbin-ah what do you think?", said ken. "She went through a lot of workshops, training with mentors and she even puts in extra effort in what our trainee does so I am very proud. She has done well", he said.

"Okay, we're close to the set", he continues to hold the camera. "Ravi-ah what do you have for our trainee?", asked Ken. "We bought food and a special gift that we'll reveal to you and her later". "Ooo I wonder what it is", Ken made this cute face right at the camera. After a few minutes of them babbling we finally made it to the set. When I thought about it will their talking be all in the video? Oh well maybe not. We all got out of the van, while I carried the food, N carrying the gift and the rest around the camera talking. "Let's go!", said Ken and we all walked in the studio.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now