Chapter 53 - Time to Think.

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Sunghae's POVSmut!! (You guys will read it either way, it's for those who doesn't like smuts)

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Sunghae's POV
Smut!! (You guys will read it either way, it's for those who doesn't like smuts)

I woke up and still see, Taekwoon sleeping. His arms around me cupping my breast. I move his hands away and found his long sleeve polo and my new underwear to put on. I went into the kitchen and see the dress, on the floor near the couch, along with his blazer. I picked it up and put it on the table, before I made ramen and coffee for us. It didn't take long until he has woken up, "Hey," he backed hug me. "Morning, here's your coffee," I said. "Thank you, but I don't want it now," he kisses my neck. "You, got me worried," he said. "Why?"

"Because you weren't there when I woke up," he said spinning me around. "Look why would leave you, this early," I said cupping his cheek pouting. "I want you," he leans in kissing me. He removes the polo I had on and starts playing with my nipples. I could feel his member, against my core. My hands reach down I palmed it before, my hand slide in to pleasure him. "You prepared yourself," he was already wearing a condom. "You never know the countless dreams I've had of you," he said he removes my underwear and picks me up and places me on the bench.

He takes my breast and massages it while his mouth works on my nipple. I throw my head back and has he entered two fingers into me. "Ohh F*ck," I moaned out. "Shhh, people could here us," he said. Using his thumb to simulate my clit and his fingers working on my G-spot, I reached my climax, orgasmed and cum onto his fingers, "So wet," it took them out and put them in his mouth. Then he pulled me in to kiss me, "You taste so good," he said between kisses. I got off the bench and he turns me around to bend over, he rubs his hand on my ass and slaps it, continuing until there was a pinkish red hand mark.

"You're dripping," his uses his fingers to glide and play with my entrance. After that using his dick to tease my entrance before fully entering into my core. As he was using the condom and my juice as lubricant he was pounding himself into me. The skin slapping sound surrounded the whole living room and kitchen, "Ahh, you're so tight," he said. His pace became slower as he came to his end his member massaging himself in me. "Since when you were a sex maniac?" I said. "Since you came around," he said.

I have to be honest, since I've lost it to Taekwoon, or after having an orgasm with him. I wanted more, "Are we going to eat breakfast now?" I said. "It has gotten cold, we need to reheat it," he said as he turned on the stove. "You can go changed your clothes," he added. "Okay," I walked to the bathroom to take a shower. "Sh*t so much marks, thank god that it's not on my neck," I said. "It's actually my day off today, so I have no schedules," I mutter. After I took a shower, and changed my clothes I went back to the kitchen and see that Taekwoon has done the cooking, "Hey babe," he pulls me in for a kiss, "You're so fresh," he said smelling my neck. "I know, let's eat," we both sit down.

"Do you have a schedule today?" I ask. "No all I can do is go to the agency and work on some things," he said. "But I would rather stay with you," he said. "I posted the picture of us on my Instagram," he said. "What photo?" I ask cautiously. "It's the long shot one so they can only see our bodies together so don't worry," he said. "So you are just dropping hints so it won't be sudden?" I ask. "You can say that, but it's mostly that I want them all to know that we're together and nothing can stop me," I smile. "You're so cheesy," I said covering my face. "As cheesy as it sounds it's true," he said removing his hands from his face.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now