Chapter 45 - Curiosity Overpowers.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Dude your face is blurred on TV," said Nayoung. I quickly went down stairs and see Oppa and Manager Oppa re-heating the left over food. It was a 7news recap report on what Xavier did to me, but my face was not shown. "This will make headlines, I'm pretty sure the fans will find out who this voice belongs to," I said. "They already did," said Manager Oppa. "After you guys went to sleep and we were packing, and the TV was still on it went to breaking news," said Oppa. "Ohhh," we all gathered around the table to eat the left overs. "Your flight is today right?" Said Oppa. "Yeah it is," I said. "Don't worry, I'll look after the house," he said.

"We knew that already," I said. "Yeah yeah," we all continue eating. "What do you want to do before you leave?" Asked Manager Oppa. "Well I already bought gifts for my friends, so can I stop by the cemetery before going?" I said. "Sure, you can take your time," He said. "Can I see the articles?" I said. "After we eat," he said. We ended finishing all the food, and I finished packing. "Can I read them now? I finished packing as well," Also being dressed up already. He handed his iPad to me and I read the articles.

'Kaisa, sexually harassed?'
'Kaisa Chee returns to Australia'
'Is that Kaisa's voice?'
'Kaisa's Ex-boyfriend sexually harassed her?'

There are more with the same title and the same content. Some think it's just a coincidence, some believes it is my voice. But I want to tell the truth but I couldn't say it now, it would be better to announce it when I get back soon. "Thank you, Can we visit the cemetery?" I said. "Sure we have plenty of time." We both went to the car and gave directions to Manager Oppa to the cemetery, "Do you want to buy flowers?" Asked Manager Oppa. "Sure," the florist at the cemetery is quite pricey so we ended buying some in a convenient store nearby.


I walk alone to the grave where Eomma is laid to rest. "Hello Eomma," I put the flowers beside her name, and sat down. "I wish you were here, I wish you saw me debut so I can make you proud personally. It's hard being in Korea, still having culture shocks when I walk around, well not anymore. I miss the normal life where I go to school everyday, come home, complete homework and wait for you and appa to come home. But I am happy that I chose this path and be different from other teenagers. Oh yeah, I have a boyfriend now don't worry, Appa accepts it. But I still wished that you see him in person, this family had open arms for me as well. I still feel empty in some way, your not here with us, I don't feel comfortable as usual now.

I wish you could meet Taekwoon, I would have him meet you and Appa not like before when I keep it a secret from you," I sigh. "Well I will talk you soon, I have a flight back, please look over me," I kissed my hand and placed it on her name. "Bye eomma," I left and went back to the car. "That was quicker than I thought," said Manager Oppa. "Well I don't want to get stuck in traffic then get late," I said. "Good point, okay let's get our luggage and the rest," he said.


We came inside, "Hello, did you spend time well?" Said Nayoung. "Yes I did, I see how you guys already have brought the luggage down," I said. "Yeah, it was alright. Well we didn't want you to work too much," she said. "Minah did you sleep well?" She came down. "Yes I did, now I have lots of energy," she said. "You sleep quite a lot it concerns me," said Nayoung Unnie. "Well my sleep pattern is messed up and this is the most rest I've had for a long time," she said. "Ohhh I see," she moves the luggage near the door. "I'll drive you guys to the airport," said Oppa. "Okay, when is your flight back?" I said. "A week after today," he said. "Ohhh okay, make sure you keep the house clean," I said. "I will you see how my apartment is clean," he said. "Okay okay," I reply.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now