Chapter 32- Damn so much to handle

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Taekwoon's POV

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Taekwoon's POV

'I'm sorry, Sunghae'. I become aggressive and jealous at times when guys look at you the way I do. I should've said what was wrong when you asked, I must've annoyed you when I said 'nothing' when there was something. It does hurt knowing that you'll be debuting soon and we won't have as much time and we can't reveal our relationship. Since we have those crazy fans. Also you're a girl who is attractive with talent and obviously you'll have lots of male fans. But I have to remember myself that they don't have what I have for a past months. You're able to train really hard and I so proud of your achievements. You're able to balance school and training while there are other people quit school.

I look at her face while she's asleep and I hope to see more of it. While contemplating on how my life is so much better when Sunghae is now here.

••• Time Skip •••

I was the first one to wake up this time, but I didn't leave the bed. I continue to close my eyes and hug her waist with my leg over hers. I was able to sleep for few more minutes, but she was still asleep maybe she was exhausted from yesterday. We both stayed in the same position until she moved which she accidentally brushed against my area and made me moan/ grunt. My eyes widen and I just hope that she didn't hear me, I quietly crawled out of bed and into the bathroom to deal with this situation.


I went back to bed after I cleaned up, washed and brushed my teeth. Just in time when she woke up, "Slept well?", I hug her torso and pulled her closer to me. "Yes~ you?", she asks. "Always, it's our last day before we go back", I said. "I don't want this is end". "Same, we can at least stay like this longer", we both stayed quiet and she rested her head on my chest while I stroke her hair. I can do this all day. "Are we going out today?", she lifted her head up. "If you want to", I kissed her lips. "Hey I need to tooth brush".

"I don't care", I said. I continued kissing her until she gave in and gave the same passion I gave to her. I lifted her up and placed her on my lap, I slowly slide my tongue while her hands cup my face and my hands slowly moving down to squeeze her ass gently. Then placing them on her hips and moving them to create friction on our areas. We continue to kiss passionately and she moves up and down my sensitive area making us both moan. I couldn't help it, I flipped her over  so I could be on top. Thank the lord she doesn't wear her bra when she sleeps so now it's easier for my hands to reach. I slowly make my way to her boobs and gently grope them while she throws her head back as I make marks all over her neck and chest.

I pull away before we both get carried away, we looked at each other and giggled. "That was fun", I said. "Yes it was. Okay now please let me go to the bathroom", she said. "Okay", and she went. I walked to the kitchen and quickly made us breakfast. "How can we go out like this?", she walked in pointing at the amount of fresh marks I made. "People will know that you're mine", I said I walk to her hugging her. "I'll just put make up then", she said. "I'll make more", I go down to her neck but her lightly pushed me away. "Hey, let's just eat", I pout. "Okay".

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now