A/N - Please Read

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Hello guys, thank you very much for the love and support you gave for this fanfic. I am very thankful.

I was wondering, since I am writing another fanfiction, and I just want to ask.

When you do you want me to post the new book?

When the book ends?
Close to the end of the book?

Please comment, so I can have an idea of when you guys will read my book. I will try and make it a better story than the first one.

Please continue to vote, comment and add to reading list the book right now and the future book.

Also another message is that I have my half yearly already, and my exams are next week as you have may know because I mentioned it in the previous chapters. I know it seems early, the fact that I just started school again but the teachers tell us that it's for our half yearly reports.

Hopefully I will do well, despite some of the bad teachers I have in math and my new teacher in commerce (former teacher became deputy and can now teach yr 11&12).

They both teacher too fast to the point the class and I think 'What's the point? I can't learn anymore' and my maths teacher is like, 'Okay, I will you do and that and you got the answer. Now do this worksheet' *Vietnamese accent* and if we ask for help she will shout, 'Why didn't you listen?'

Oh well I guess I will have to deal with them for the whole year or until it changes.

Please stay healthy and safe (I actually have the cold ughh)
Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now