Chapter 24 - Personality over Looks

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Kaisa's POV

"Should I tell him what happened?", I stirred my cup of coffee talking to myself. "Since he did have that resistance from Hongbin", I said to myself. "Yeah, I should tell him when he gets back". I took my coffee and sat down. From what I remember, I have a meeting with the CEO again, but I wonder what is. After finishing my second up, I went to my room to get changed.

I went straight to the office and the CEO was already there. "Kaisa please sit down", I sat down on the same chair every time I come here. "Okay remember when I said it would be better for you to finish school before debuting?", he said. "Yes?". "Well we are going to enroll you in an arts school so you can finishing the rest of your high school years", he said. "Oh thank you, when do I start?", I ask. "Next week, all expenses will be paid", he said. Well it seems like I owe money to the company and I'll be paying back when I debut. But I get to finish school.

"Okay and also with your acting you'll be learning more at the school", he added. "Okay thank you very much", I said. "It's alright, we want you to finish school first, you can leave now", he said. I left the room happily, I kinda miss being in a school environment. I went to my vocal lessons with Unnie, so I have to tell her wait happened. "Unnie! Unnie! Unnie! I've gotten great news", I said while walking into the room. "Tell me, what is it?", she asks. "I'm going back to school!!", I said. "You can finally finish then you're able to come to university with me!!", she stood up and gave me a hug.

"Well that will still be a long time though", I said. "Well we both know that time goes fast, but we won't see each other regularly anymore", she seemed sad after. "You're the only one I could relate to", she said. "Hey, we still have lessons together and we are able to hang out when we are both available", I said. "Gosh, you're really optimistic", she said. "We just need to find the positive in things", I said.

"Come on, let's practice then we'll eat out after", she said. "Okay", I sat with her and she played the piano. After practicing a few songs she asked, "Can we watch your videos?", she said. "Wait what? Really?", I said. "Please~", she begged. Well I guess it's only her so why not. "Okay then, but a reminder I might cringe a lot", I said. She turned on her laptop and went onto google and searched up my name on YouTube. I bow my head down when she clicked on my channel. "Come on, you're very talented don't be shy about it", she put her arm around my shoulder. I raise my head up and she started from the first video I posted, which was Eyes, Nose, Lips.

It attracted a lot of Kpop fans, who knows the song, but then when I uploaded my english cover I've attracted people who listens to western music. I managed to not cringe a lot in it, then we ended up at the latest cover featuring Leo. That when I put my head down and wait for what unnie has to say. "Such chemistry, didn't you see the way he looks at you?", she asked. "No, I was concentrating on my instrument", I said. "Look at it, he's just looking at your whenever you play", she said. "He likes you, but be careful the idol world especially if their is relationships involved is cruel", she said. "Well he has been making moves on me already", I admitted. "Knew it, he was asking me about the stuff you like", she said. "So basically I help him to get with you", she smiled. "Wow thank you".

"I ship this", she laughed. I sigh, "Yeah I do really like him as well, I mean who doesn't", I said. "Yes I know but he has eyes on you girl. Too bad he's in Japan, is he communicating with you?", she asked. "Yeah, he told me that he'll try to talk to me as much as he can", I said. "Nawww, that's so sweet", she said, clasping her hands together. "Okay, come on let's have lunch together", standing up and getting my bag. "Let's go".

We went to this place that she recommended since it's a good place to have lunch. It's called, 'Rose Hill Sanctuary' sounds like a place people would live in Australia honestly. We both went inside and sat down, the waiter gave us the menu and waited for us to respond, "Uhmm, I'll get the Salmon burger with wombok and apple remoulade", I said. "I will get the Argentinian steak sandwiches", she said. "Okay coming right up", he left. "He seems cute", she said. "Yeah, well he's all yours since you know", I said. "Yes hopefully is single, but his personality is ugly and he just fakes it then no", she said. "That's good".

After a while, our food came out, "Enjoy your meal", he said before he left. "This looks really good, let's take photos", she said taking her phone out. "Okay then", I took out my phone and took photos of the food and selcas before eating. "Wow this is good", we both say at the same time then laugh. "So when did you find this place?", I ask. "I don't remember when but I was with my siblings eating out".

We both continued to eat then rested for a while when we both finished. "Dayum I am full", she said. "I know right", then the waiter came to get our dishes. "Did you ladies eat well?", he asked. "Yes we both ate well", said Unnie. "That's good, thank you", he picked up the dishes and left. "Well do you have any schedules after this?", asked Unnie. "I'm not sure, I might just put in extra work at the gym since I have session with my trainer", I said.

"When I think about it I haven't even worked out in a long time". "Wanna join? It would be a lot of fun", I said. "Okay, remember I might complain about the pain in my body after the workout okay?", she said. "Okay, I always complain to myself about that". "So do you want to do now?", she said. "Yeah, just go back to your place to get your workout out gear then come over to my place", I said.

"Okay, let's go", then we both parted ways to go home. I came home and changed into my workout gear and packed my extra clothes, towel and water bottle. After doing that, I just rested while I'm at it.

Leo's POV

"Okay, pose to this side here", said the photographer. I pose and pose again, then look at the photos until we are both satisfied with it the look. It's nearly the VIXX LR showcase, but I am really nervous. I really want to do well, so after this photo shoot Ravi and I will head to the practice studio to go through the songs. The rest of VIXX are very supportive with this ever since we've been planning the sub-unit.

After that it was my Ken's turn to do the photo shoot, I waited in the dressing room and try to catch some sleep but for some reason I just can't. I also want to call Kaisa but I'm pretty sure she's busy as well. I somehow fell asleep for a few minutes before, N hyung woke me up. "Leo-ah, we still need to do the group shot", he said. I stood up and walked with him back to where everyone was. The stylist quickly fix my makeup and hair before standing with the other members. After posing a few times and looking through the photos, "Thank you, we all worked hard", said N.

We all went off to the dressing room and remove our makeup and changed our clothing then we all head to the practice studio. "Ravi, you go practice your songs, I will go talk to Kaisa", I left the room and sat on the seats along the side. We both told the rest of the VIXX members to go and eat out but they said that they'll wait for us to finish. Maybe this time I will face time Kaisa.

"Annyeong", she waves but covering her face with a towel.
"Why are you covering your face?".
"The workout has melted off my makeup", she said.
"I am positively sure that your are beautiful without the make up. Now please put down the towel", I said.
"Okay then", she removes it and to be honest, I like her all natural look.
"See I this better", I said.
"But you can see my acne scars", she said.
"That's the art on your canvas, if it's flawless it's boring and blunt", I say.
"Wow so inspirational, so how is your schedule?".
"Well VIXX has finished a photoshoot and now we are just fitting in extra practice for the showcase", I explained.
"Then why are you not practicing?", she asks.
"Ravi is practice his songs, so we all have some free time. Did you finish working out?".
"Yeah I got changed and everything before you called I just didn't put any makeup on", she said.
"Do you have another schedule after that?", I asked.
"No, I can go home after this", she said.
"Ahh okay. Are you eating well?".
"Yes, I am eating well don't worry", she said.
"Okay good".

"Hyung! I'm done with my songs, you can practice now", Ravi shouted.
"Well I think you heard that", I said.
"Yes I did, go and practice before you get told off", she said.
"Fine, fine make sure to eat well, sleep well and work well", I said.
"Okay, you need to eat well, sleep well and work hard for your fans", she said.
"Well we better hang up before you get scolded", she included.
"Yeah, okay bye~", I wave.

I head back into the practice room just to see everyone staring at me.


Hello ^_^
Thank the Lord that my teachers didn't give me extra homework.

I need your help readers, please comment down your ship names for:
Leo + Kaisa
Taekwoon + Sunghye
The ones I think are the best will be given a shoutout. So I need 2 ship names it could from the same person or just one from each depending on the reader who commented.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,
Please remember to Vote and Comment <3
Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now