Chapter 6 - Airport Hassle

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Kaisa's POV

Appa arranged my ticket, while I call Oppa to tell him to pick me up at the Airport. I am excited to go back but at the same time not, going back to Korea is something I want to with the whole family but it's just by myself. I will just have to make most of my freedom.

At the airport, we all said our, 'byes', 'see you later'. Making Aunt Clarissa a little bit emotional, "Please don't cry", I said while giving her a hug. "I'll try, I'll miss seeing you around and our girl talks.

I gave Appa one more hug before going, "Can't breathe", struggling to say my words. "Sorry, you know how hard it is to send my youngest to another country", while loosening the hug. "Don't worry, hopefully I will visit from time to time."

Appa gave me my luggage, giving them one last look before I heading into the terminal. The fact that we have be 3 or 4 hours before flight, made me tired, now having the urge to find the closest Starbucks. It wasn't long till I found it, I ordered a Mocha Latte, since I've been craving for chocolate for a while now.

After waiting for a couple of hours my flight was announced to board on the plane. I sat right next to the window with children sitting behind me. There was another lady who sat a seat away from me to maintain the privacy. I waited for the flight attendants demonstrate the emergency landing stuff. As the flight took off, I immediately took out my phone plugged in my headphones laid back and slept. The only time I was awake, is when the lady who sat next woke me up to eat.

••• Time Skip •••

The announcement from the PA system woke me up as the captain said, "We're close to landing, please buckle your seatbelt." I took of my headphones and placed it around my neck. As we hit turbulence, the children behind started to cry due to the ear popping. But I don't blame them, since I was the that child before. As I got to customs I see people complain about the items they didn't declare, which took even longer. It was fast and smooth for me at least. I took my luggage and made my way to the exit.

All I see is paparazzi and girl fans. I was having the suspicion that It is another Idol group that has landed as well. I made my way through the crowd trying to avoid them. I called my Oppa that I have arrived and I'll just take the taxi to his place. I stood near the curb, looking at the cars, shuttle buses or any other transportation. Once I saw a taxi hauled up in front, I see a group of people coming up close to me. They look around 6ft which made me feel short. The fact that my head is slightly above their shoulders.

As they made their way closer to me one person really stood out all, of them had masks but there's something when I took a glimpse of him. With his hair over is eyes with a mysterious look, like a ninja. I kept on taking glances but when he noticed me I quickly looked away. The look in his eyes just melts me inside.

The taxi driver helped me with my luggage as I say down in the car. I look at the side rear view I see that he was looking me. It gave me a weird feeling, but I chose to ignore it. I told the taxi driver the street and then he drove off. He asked a few questions but I just gave short or one worded answers.

I arrived at the street and saw the price of the fare and it was way cheaper than I expected. Well I guess that Taxi fares in Australia are a ripoff. I stood in front of this tall building remembering that Oppa's apartment was near to the top floor. I took the elevator to the 16th floor. I walked up the door and knocked on it.

The door immediately opened and Oppa gave my warmest hug. It was pretty cold actually it was really cold. He took my luggage and went inside. "How was the flight?"." It was good, I slept well for the first time."
"Sorry if I wasn't able to pick you up the car was still in service."
"Ehh, all good you would have a hard time anyway."
"Why?", he asked in confusion.
"There was quite a lot of people, fans especially."
"What group?", him and his questions.
"How am I supposed to know they had masks oh, but they are really tall.", I say.
"Ohh okay were there any sasaeng fans?"
"Not that I know of, luckily they were not around me."
I stood up to get a glass of water, as I was taking a sip the door bell rings.

"Can you get that please?". I went to the door and opened it. It was another girl I don't know, Oppa lean back to see who it was and I must assume that she is oppa's girlfriend. "Are you SungHye?". "Yes, well Kaisa is my english name." I explain. "Well, I am Lee Minah nice to meet you." She pulled me in for a hug. We both walked in the apartment and I asked him, "How did you score a pretty girlfriend? You seem weird looking to me."

"What did you say?", Minah laughed at the comment. "You know, it anyways I'll be in the room." I quickly ran to my room and leave the lovebirds. I unpacked a my things and hopefully keep the room clean for once. The reason why I'm back in Korea is that, in those emails I've received an opportunity to be in a company but the problem is that fact that, there is a few companies who would like to have me in their company. So I did my research on the company but, I've send back emails for the day of the meeting so we could discuss what they can offer.

Hopefully I chose what's right for me.

Leo's POV

A few hours ago, VIXX has finally finished our schedule and we're back in Korea. When we waited for our Van to take us back to the Dorm, I see this girl standing by herself waiting for a taxi. She seems familiar but I can't pinpoint who it was. Luckily she stay away from the crowd before getting hurt. From the corner of my eye is see her looking at me quite a few times. I hope to see her again she seems interesting.

I lay down on the bed, thinking about song ideas to compose. Then N came in to interrupt. "Leo-ah, are you coming outside?", wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged off, "I'm just writing down song ideas", I answer. "Woonie, please come so we can all watch a movie." I sigh, "Okay, I will come later."


Is she going to find out who the 'Ninja' is?
Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter
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Kamsahamnida and Hwaiting :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now