Chapter 39 - Where's the Logic??

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

So the same thing happened again and again. Now this time Appa and Aunt Clarissa came back for the wedding here, so for now they are staying in Oppa's place. Then Aunt Clarissa asked me if there could be a hair and makeup stylist to help us with the event. Since I am preparing for and variety show I might as well ask. "Unnie, can I ask for a huge favour?" I ask. "What is it?" She said. "Aunt needs a hair and makeup stylist for the wedding. Are you willing to do it?" I said. "ARE YOU SERIOUS? YES" she hugs me putting the makeup aside. "She said that she will pay you double, since it's AUD money," I said. "If there is a pay or no pay, I would still do it," she said.

"Ohh that means we need to test out some looks for her," she added. "When are you available?" I ask. "When you're available, I am with you very time we have a schedule. Even without a schedule we do anything," she said. "You make a good point." She finished off the blush on my cheeks. "That means we'll have to be at your dorm trying on different styles," she said. "Yeah we'll have to do that," I said. "Good." I put on my wedges and left with the assistant director to go over the script. It was a specially episode of After School Club when most of the guests speaks english. So I am very grateful for that. From what I remember it's Mark, Jackson, Amber and I with the host Jimin and Kevin. So five in total, great. I am socially awkward with people.

(A/N: Eric is not a MC anymore ㅠㅠ)

"So we are all good with what you say, since you are aware of your image," said the Assistant director. "Okay," I nodded while reading the questions. "They don't look bad at all," I said. "Maybe it's the results of what you get I assume," said Amber. "Hey~ Sunghae," I stood up to hug her. "What do you prefer? Sunghae or Kaisa?" She asks. "Whatever you feel comfortable with," I said. "I feel comfortable with Kaisa since it's your english name," she said. "Hey~ Kaisa," Said Jimin. "Hello, Jimin how are you?" I ask. "I'm doing great, what about you?" She responded. "I'm doing well," I said. "I'm really digging your new song, I swear I cou-" she got cut off.

"HEYYYYY~~" Came in Jackson and Mark. "Wow." Jimin looked at then bluntly. "It's been a long time, Kaisa we missed you," said Jackson hugging me. "I missed you guys too, and thank Jimin for loving the song," Jackson released from the hug. But I didn't know that they were filming behind the scenes, "Woah Annyeonghasyeo, Kaisa imnida," I say. The camera moves on to the other people. "Hello, Kaisa," Eric and Kevin came in and greeted me. "Hello, guys" I replied. "Let's all go to set, it's getting crowed," said Eric. We all walked onto set and Amber, Jimin and I were just talking about random things.

While Jackson, Mark, Eric and Kevin are doing their own thing. "Dude, can we do the watermelon challenge here?" Asked Jackson. "No!" Jimin, Mark and I shouted. "Yes," the rest did. "Majority wins," said Jackson. The three of us sighed, "What was the point of this outfit when it's going to get ruined." Said Jimin. "That's why I don't dress up fancy," I said. We both look at Mark, "What?" He looked back at us. "You're lucky, your clothes are casual and look at us we are wearing wedges," I said. "Well you are wearing jeans but Jimin on the other hand is wearing a skirt," he said. "True, true" I patted Jimin's shoulder. "It's alright we'll get through this together," I told her.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now