Chapter 31 - Didn't really know half of what I was saying...

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Kaisa's POV

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Kaisa's POV

My eyes flutter open and drifted to the left to see Taekwoon still fast asleep. His cheeks slightly puffed his pink, soft kissable lips. God he looks so fricken adorable. 'I should make breakfast', I thought. So I quietly got out and into the kitchen, I grabbed the frying pan and the ingredients. "Should I make a western style breakfast? Yeah something for a change", I said to myself. I get the eggs, bread, sausage from the fridge. I decided to add kimchi later on before I lay everything out on the table. I made egg omelettes, toasted the bread and fried the sausages. I put them all on separate plates on the table and got a bowl of kimchi.

I was able to clean up the frying pan so I didn't have to put it back later. Right before I was about to walk to the table. Someone back hugged me, I knew no one is in this house except for Taekwoon Oppa and I. "You weren't there when I woke up", he frowned. "I wanted to make breakfast for us", I said. "We could've done that later", he said. "Okay next time I'll wait. Come on let's eat", I got to be honest I am pretty hungry. We both sat down and started eating, "Is this the breakfast you eat everyday?", he asked. "No, usually on the weekends since we have school", I said. "Oh so your usually in a rush for school", he said. "Yeah that's basically it", I chuckled.

Please I can't wake up early for school, I couldn't get ready without stuffing something up like arriving to school think I was actually prepared but ended up forgetting my apron for food technology also not being bothered to do a full face makeup so I would go for mascara, eyeliner and lip tint. "Is schooling hard in Australia?", he said while biting into his food. "No, but assessments and exams are crammed together but I manage, ever since coming to Korea schooling has become a lot harder since it's much more competitive for the rank and the stress to get higher grades".

"It's good to aim high but I have to agree it's too much. They need to know that teens need to live their life even though getting a good job here is difficult", he said. "Also parents put a lot of pressure to their children to be the best but they can really force their kids to drown in studying, but it does pay off if they are lucky", I said I don't have a lot of knowledge of Korean Education but they do have longer hours of school and it's much more stressful from what I see.

"What do you want to do?", he asked. "I don't know what about you?", I ask. "I feel like jet ski and snorkelling", he said. "I'm up for that", I said. "Okay, let's finish eating", he stuff his last bite. "This is really good", he said. "Thank you Oppa", I took my last bite. "Let's get changed", I went into the bathroom to do the usual business Taekwoon Oppa just waited by the bed for his turn. During the time I got changed into my swimmers. I came out and see Taekwoon just staring at me, "What?" I asked. "Oh what? You just look really attractive", he tried covering it up. "Whatever, go and get ready", I said. "Okay", he quickly went in.

I am only wearing a long sleeve rash and shorts, I don't see anything attractive about it. 'Do we need to pack anything?' I thought. 'Maybe we could carry money, but we'll be doing water activities. Card?' I made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Taekwoon was finished getting ready and walked himself to the kitchen to where I was. "Do we need to prepare anything?", I ask. "Nothing much we can just bring a small pouch where we could put our stuff in it. I have a friend who can take care of it", he said. He is very prepared I have to mention.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now