Chapter 54 - Curse or Coincidence?

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

So when I had my appointment, the doctor checked my bust area and she said that there is nothing wrong but the fact that it could be genetic so I have to be more careful and check regularly. On the other hand, I told Taekwoon and he said that he would be more than happy to check. The thought of it just makes me giggle and shake my head. Well sadly it has been the end of my promotions and I haven't won anything but the amount of fans has grown and how they are supporting me so much. Sometimes I think if they have a job or school due to the amount of times I've seen the fans.

I am now on a hiatus and I was able to eat what I want but still have to exercise it off. Ever since then I wasn't able to see Taekwoon since he was traveling all over the place. But more messages of the saseang fan has been coming up. Even Taekwoon posted something for that person to stop but it didn't work. But some fans are suspicious that he would do something like that. If it was another VIXX member then it would be fine but he ended up defending me instead.

'Are you dating?'
'Why Taekwoon? He's too old'
'I ship this'
'They are just really close friends'
'I really hope they are dating'
'Gross Leo why would you date her'
'My heart *broken hearts*'
'I am ready for the Fanfictions'

'Guys if they are dating or not. Be a true fan and support them both, even if it hurts to you. They are both human and we want them to love, get married, have kids and live their lives doing what they love with the people they love'

I do miss living the normal life, I can't talk to any guy with people think I'm dating them also that Taekwoon doesn't want me to unless it's about work, he knows about Francis but he said that I could talk to him but not too much. Which I couldn't do anyway. It was hard choosing what first photo to post first, but I thought to dedicate it to omma.

'Hello everyone, I've made a Instagram account to connect with the fans. Thank you for all your support through my journey, as other people dedicate their first post of themselves or fans and what not. I would like to dedicate this to my eomma. As many you have know already, she has passed already, but because of her she's the reason why I am here today. She taught me the normal things such as not caring what haters say, always follow your passion, be wise and make smart choices.

I wasn't able to imply those teaches into my life until she left, from a video I filmed when she passed to now pursuing to what I want to do.

Thank you everyone...'

Attached to it was a photo of me when I was younger with omma. "Sunghae-ah we have a photoshoot we have to go to," Manager oppa texted me. "Okay, I'll come down now," I said. I changed clothes, and went down.


"Unnie, how did you go?" I ask Nayoung. "I think it went well, I'm so nervous though," she said while curling my hair. "Don't worry you could do it," I said. Nayoung had her final exam before graduating university. "Thank you, honestly you're the best idol that I have worked with thank god I resigned from the others," she said. "Why is that?" I ask. "They are so picky, and they talk behind people's back sorta thing. Also you treat me much more better, not like a makeup artist and such things but as a friend in general," she said putting away the curling iron. "Ahhh, thank you unnie," I said standing up hugging her.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now