Chapter 14 - Message on the Cup

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Kaisa's POV

There's nothing on my schedule today, so a day off, I look at the ceiling above me and stare at it. After a few minutes of staring at the plain white ceiling, I looked at the clock and it's 9:50 am. Somehow I managed to get out of bed, but move to the lounge to sit down and think what to eat.

It was already 10:00 when, I decided to go to Starbucks to eat and work. I got dressed in ripped jeans, white v-neck tee and a leather jacket before heading out. I wore a mask while I make my way to the café, the weather was chilly and windy the way I like it. Once I got to Starbucks, I scored myself a seat in the corner with a table.

I quickly walked to it and put my bag and jacket down. Then walked to the counter to order something, the cashier lady gave me my table number so I can resume on my work. In the matter of no time, the barista gave me my order, while drinking my coffee, I read through the comments on why I was on a hiatus.

'Don't worry, we'll anticipate'
'It's okay we're all human and we have something else more important'
'We can still replay your previous videos and listen to them'
'You recently started a channel and now your on a hiatus?!? WTF'
'We'll still support you'

Yeah and rest are all requests of song that I have done or didn't or the same comments with a bunch of emojis. I didn't notice that I finished my drink, so I just put it down and resumed on work. Appa said that he'd take are of signing me out of the school since I am in Korea for the longest time. I go through my emails and I received one from the school. Before checking it I threw away the cup, as I made my way back, someone came in with a familiar look.

He also had a mask on but took it off as he went in. I looked to my right and saw another vacant seat. As he went closer to the counter I finally got a clear vision on who he was. It was Leo. Gosh even with just a beanie, jeans and also... A leather jacket, he looks hella fine. Then it came to my mine that we're matching clothes. Like those couples with matching clothes and stuff. Now that I'm in Korea I should get used to it, since that stuff I don't see much in Australia.

He stood in line and looked around if there was a vacant seat, I looked back at my laptop pretending nothing happened. I have nothing to do so I just listen to music and read. While reading someone came up to me, "Annyeong? Would you like to order something?", the barista asks. "Ahh ne, can I order a Latte? Thank you", I tried to give her the money but, "No need it's on me. It looks like your working hard, no need to thank me", the barista walked back to the counter.

Leo's POV

I already noticed that Kaisa was here and there was a free table next to her. When I ordered my Latte, I asked the cashier lady to ask Kaisa what she wanted and I'll pay for it. I waited for the lady to comeback and asked, "What did she want?". "She ordered a Latte", she said. I payed the money and told her, "Can I write a message on the cup?", she nodded.

I waited at the side for the drinks, when the barista gave me the drinks the cashier lady gave me a marker to write. It took a while to figure what to write on the cup, I want to keep it simple but meaningful. So I decided to write, 'You Deserve it - JTW', with a smiley face. I gave the cup to the cashier to give to Kaisa.

"Here", she smiled at the lady and looked at the message on the cup. She gave a full smile which made me happy, does she know it's me?
Should I go up to her? But we only met yesterday. I want to get to know her better slowly, starting with a stable and strong foundation. But it has to start with a conversation somehow.

I sat down on the table to her right, I didn't think she notice me since her eyes were glued on to the book.

Kaisa's POV

'You Deserve it - JTW', with a smiley face. I try to ignore but I did saw Leo walking towards the his seat. JTW is it initials? I went on my phone and searched up JTW, I saw a few Instagram accounts and Twitter accounts. I went onto images and all I see is Leo's Instagram posts. I checked on Instagram and I see Leo's official account.

Also the fact that Leo is the one who knows me here. Should I go up to him and thank him? But he seems shy around girls, I don't want to make things awkward though. But I really do appreciate what he did, it was a really cute gesture. My laptop was already packed away into my bag with just my book out and phone.

I continued to read and listen to music and then my favourite song came on. I couldn't resist but sing along. As I turn the pages, someone sat on the seat in front of me. I look up, closed the book and took out my earphone to be polite. "Annyeong, you have a nice voice", he smiled. Then his eyes locked into mine it felt like he was sending off energy.

Leo's POV

As I was sipping on my Latte, I hear some singing next to me. Outlaws of love, she sounds so good. To me I found the right time to talk to her and compliments her. I was really nervous, my heart was beating fast, it was something I should've done when I bumped into her at the agency.

While she was still reading, I went up to the spare seat in front and sat down. I couldn't help but look, I try to be confident but she knows who I am as a person. I guess she's the same but she has more confidence. "Annyeong, you have a nice voice", I say giving a smile. I see a light tint on her cheeks after I said that. "Thank you, Leo I would say the same", she said.

"Is it your free day?", I ask. In my mind I was planning to just take her around since probably it's her first time off while training. "Yeah it is, you?", she responded. "Yeah, I have no schedule today, so why were you here alone?", I asked I hope it wasn't creepy or anything. "Well my brother is in uni and I don't have much friends here, but I enjoy a little alone time to wind down from time to time", she explains it so well.

"I would say the same as well. So are you busy today?", I ask. "Well so far I've finished catching on some work so now I just talking to you. Oh yeah thank you for the latte", she added. I blush and looked down, I knew it JTW was too obvious. "But hey, I appreciate it, this was a nice gesture", she said. I looked up and see her looking at me. "So basically your free for the rest of the day?", I reassured. "Yep, I'm free for the day", she said.

I knew we both couldn't be in this café forever, and I've been longing to ask her, "So why not I take you around and explore", I said. "I don't cause any inconvenience", she spoke. "No it won't, come on let's take you back to your dorm so you can put your laptop away", I stood up. "Okay then", she stood up and we both walked out.

We both put our masks on so we won't get noticed. Her dorm was not that far so no need to take transport, when we arrived to the building. Somehow we both live in the same building. We both walked took the elevator to her dorm which was not that long. "Come in", she said. I took off my shoes before heading inside.

Her dorm looks more like an apartment, then we have the VIXX dormitory. "Sit down, I quickly put the laptop away", I waited patiently for her.

Kaisa's POV

I quickly walked into my room, closed the door put the laptop and belly flopped onto the bed. I not to scream too much onto my pillow, but still FREAKING JUNG TAEKWOON IS IN MY DORM!! HE ASKED ME TO GO AND EXPLORE WITH HIM!!!

Composure Kaisa don't act crazy he's just taking me like a younger one since I'm in training and it's my first day off. Don't think it's anything else but most likely I will.

I fixed my hair and went out to see Leo waited. "Let's go?", he nodded. We both put on our shoes and went.


Why does it seem that I wrote it a little too cheesy?? Well I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though I may think that it's really cringeworthy
But anyways do you like it?
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Thank to those who added my book to their reading list I really really appreciate it a lot.

Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now