Chapter 34 - How do they know?

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Are you nervous?", asked Bora Unnie. "Yeah, the first performance, I don't want to make any mistakes", I said fiddling with my hands. "You're going to do great, the adrenaline will get you going", she said while she does touch ups on my face. "You didn't get much sleep, didn't you?", her eyebrows raise. "Yeah, you know how I'm nervous, so I kept practicing", I said. "Oh well, the power of makeup will help", she said. "Sorry", I quietly chuckled.

"WAHHH OUR SUNGHAE IS GOING TO DEBUT!!", someone yell which made everyone turn around. "Shut up Hyuk!!", said Ravi Oppa. While I just laugh at then scolding Hyuk for being too noisy. "Well congratulations Sunghae-ah", the CEO came in. "Thank you very much CEO", I said bowing. "You have helped me to be here today", I added. "It was your hard work to be here", said Taekwoon who hugs me, "Thank you". "GROUP HUG!!", yelled out Ken Oppa. They all gathered in a group hug to the point I can't breathe. "She's going to die here", said Taekwoon Oppa. They all let go, "We'll be watching, try to spot us", said N Oppa. "Okay, I will", they all left for me to prepare.

"Okay I am done with your makeup now please relax, sit down and practice a bit", said Bora Unnie. "Okay", I sat down and listened to the track. While the backup dancers are still getting ready, "Sunghae-ah, are you nervous?", asked one of the female dancers sat next to me. "Yeah, unnie I am, I want to make a good impression", I said. "You made a great impression on all of us, so I know you can amaze everyone with your talent tonight", she said giving me a hug. "Thank you, unnie".

"Man, we should've vlogged about you debut so you can post on YouTube", she mentioned straight after. "That's true but we're so busy", I said. "Better late than never", she said. "Okay, I guess we can film from my phone for now". So I took out my phone while unnie, lends me her selfie stick so we can film easier. "Hello everyone, this is Kaisa here and now we're in the dressing room for my debut today, so right now I am here with one of the backup dancers. So please introduce yourself", I said. "Hey guys my name is Mickey lee", nice to meet y'all", she said. "Hey girls my name is Jose and I am one of the backup dancers nice to meet y'all", said Jose with a sassy vibe. "Yes Jose work it", said Mickey unnie. "Yes bit*h I got this", he said.

"We are just waiting to perform and Kaisa is going to do fabulous on stage and capture all them boys hearts", he said. "So what I heard, since we are watching from the monitor we are performing after the second performance we watch", said Unnie. "Say what?", my eyes widen. "That fast?", I said straight after. "Yep, you're going to slay it so don't even worry", said Jose. "Well we will practice for a bit then we'll get back to you bye", we all waved before I turned off the camera.

I used the plastic bottle as a mic and practice, "Kaisa you're on standby now", I followed the stage manager, to backstage and waited.


"JELLYFISH'S NEW DEBUT SOLO ARTIST, WITH HER MINI ALBUM, AND NOW GOING TO PERFORM 'ALONE IN THE DARKNESS' KAISA", the MC announced. I stand in the middle with the mic stand waiting for the music to start. I inhale and exhale when the spotlight in on me.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now