Chapter 25 - Back 2 School

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Kaisa's POV

"Is there any school uniform?", I asked myself. Beside I'll be going to the agency before going to school. Hopefully they are nice people. I packed my pencil case, books and all the other essentials for school. Then I went over to my room to mix my makeup, thank the lord that the hickey has disappeared before I've started. I went out and I see the Van parked outside already. "Sorry, If I took too long", I said while putting the seatbelt on. "It's okay, I arrived 3 minutes ago", said the driver. The manager drove to the agency. I was told to go to the office.

"Hello?". "Kaisa, are you ready for school?", he asked. "Yes, I'm ready to learn", I said. "Okay, so I'm going to give you your new schedule since you'll be starting school. As you see you won't be in class all day for your case", he said. "Okay, I understand", I said. "Okay, you can leave now, enjoy your time in school", he said. "Thank you", I left the room on my way back to the van again. I took my time to play games on my phone and level up as much as I can since in school, I have a feeling that I will receive homework.

The van slowed down and I looked out the window. The school looks rich as, compared to the one I was in Australia considering it's an arts school I guess. I got off the van and walked through the front doors and followed the sign that says 'Front Office'. "Hello, I'm a new student here", I said. "You're the new transfer, from Jellyfish Ent right?", she asked. "Ahh yes, Kaisa imnida". "Okay follow me and you'll meet the principle", she stood up from her chair and lead me to another room where the principle is at. "This is the new student from Jellyfish Ent sir", said the lady. "We've been waiting please sit down", he said.

"Hello, I'm Mr Lim and I'm the principle of this school. Don't worry our students are very nice and they'll help you. As you can see we are very involved in the arts so I hope you are able to express yourself in your music and skills", said Mr Lim. "Thank you, Mr Lim for accepting me", I said. "No problem at all we look forward to seeing new students here, so Ms Chan please escort her to her classrooms", he said. "Ne". I followed Ms Chan out the room and to my first class. I look at my timetable and see what I have. 'English', yes I hope the teacher speaks english. First we'll take you to your new locker, here. She gave me the pin number for the pad lock, I opened it and it was full of stationary, books, folders and organisers for the locker. "Thank you so much, I'll fix this later", I said. "That's okay, we'll now take you to your classroom". I followed her to the door, "Sorry for the interruption, you have a new transfer student". I nervously stood in front of everyone, "Thank you, we'll make feel welcome", said the teacher.

Ms Chan left, "Welcome to English, I am Mrs Roberts. Please introduce yourself and what you like to do in English and Korean", she said. "Hello, my name is Chee Sunghae, but you can call me Sunghae. I born and raised in Australia and I like to play and listen to music", then I did the same in Korean. "Wahh, Annyeonghasyeo Sunghae", they all clapped. "Okay you can sit next to Francis", said Mrs Roberts. Francis raised his hand up so I can see who it was, I walk over and quietly sat down and took out my book and pen.

"Hello my name is Francis, I'm from america", he said with his hand out. "Hello Francis, I'm Sunghae", I shook his hand gently, I guess he's Korean-American. "Hello my name is Minah", someone said on my right next to me. "Hello, I'm Sunghae nice to meet you", I say to her. I look back at the board to see the writing and copied them down. I listen to everything the teacher said and paid attention as best I can, I shouldn't be as nervous as before. So far the people are really nice by the looks of it.

"Okay class you're finished for today", I packed up my stuff and waited for the bell to go. "Do you want to hang out with me? I'll give you a tour of our school", said Minah. "Sure", as we both went out someone stopped us in our steps. "Yah! I want to join Minah-ah", we both turned around and see Francis jogging to us. "Okay then", she said. I followed around the school but we first went to the cafeteria before starting the tour. "What would you like?", said Francis. "I'm getting iced tea but I'll pay for it myself", I said. "Let me pay, it's your first day here let Minah and I make you welcome", he said. "I already feel welcomed, I can pay", I said. "I insist, put your wallet away", he took my bottle of Iced tea and his drink and payed for them.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now