Chapter 69 - Helpful Words

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"Okay, good. Some more poses please," said the photographer. I am pretty tired of the schedules as they were basically the same, but I am not trying to half ass it. It's only the second day so I only have half a day left tomorrow, hopefully it will be something fun for once. I see food coming in during the photoshoot and it annoyed me how I couldn't eat so I can look slim in the photos. "Okay, one more and we are done," it wasn't one but another 15 until it was done. "We all worked hard, thank you for your cooperation," said the director and we clapped.

"Thank you for being our model for today," the director approached me and shook my hand. "It's an honour, I hope I could work with you and your staff again," I didn't really mean it but I can't give off my honest opinion. Manager oppa and Nayoung unnie came up to me, "You can finally eat now," Nayoung swung her arm around me and lead me to wear the food was. Looking at the delicious food made me salivate, as I didn't eat since breaking; which consisted of cereal and fruits. It gave me the energy by it wore off as I continued to do my schedules, hopefully I didn't look too tired.

As we talked and ate, "You are doing something fun tomorrow," said Manager oppa eating. "What is it?" I asked as I wiped my lip with a napkin. "You'll be filming for a show which someone, showing you the fun thing you could do here and also it's a food trip so you can eat," he explained. "Ohh I see, but still I can't pig out of food since I am going to be on TV," I said. "Yeah that's sad, you have to eat in the proper way while it can be eaten differently," said Nayoung. "I know," I said eating.

"Where do you want to do? Since we are finished for today?" Asked Manager oppa. They both turned to me waiting for a response, "Can we rest for the rest of the day? I'm feeling tired," I said. "Sure we all woke up pretty early today," said Manager oppa. After we all ate, we all packed up and left. As we went back to the hotel, I instantly fell asleep.

Taekwoon's POV

After the recording of 'Remix' we are able to eat after a few hours. "Hyung, what is Sunghae doing right now?" Asked Ken. "I remember her texting me that she has interviews and photoshoots," I said checking my phone if she texted. "Ahh okay, when are we going to Japan again?" Said Ken. "Tomorrow," said N. "Already? That's so fast," said Ken as he ate a mouthful of rice. "What are we going to do?" Said Hongbin. "We are going to film a variety show," said N.

As it came to my mind, I don't know what she is doing tomorrow, I grabbed my phone out and texted, 'What is your schedule tomorrow?' She didn't reply back instantly so I would think that she is still doing her schedules as she is pretty busy like the rest of us. "How long are we staying in Japan?" Said Hyuk. "2-3 days, because you guys have to practice for the concert," said Manager hyung. "Ahhh okay," they all said. I checked my phone and she hasn't replied yet. We all continue eating and managed to walk around the streets, before going back to the hotel with a couple of items.

I check my phone again and see no text from her, "Has she texted back?" Asked Hakyeon. "Not yet," I said. Why hasn't she texted back? I'm pretty sure they have breaks in between photoshoots. I decided to call her, once or twice but she hasn't answered, even with the third phone call. "She hasn't answered my phone calls," I spoke to Hakyeon. "Do you have her manager's number?" He asked. "I will check," I went to my contacts and somehow found it.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now