Chapter 30 - Am I experiencing the 'Goals' Life?

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Kaisa's POV

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Kaisa's POV

"From seeing your practice videos, I think you are able to now film your music video. I'm proud of you we have another star now", he said. "Thank you very much, for giving me this opportunity", I say while smiling. "Well what are you waiting for. Take the rest of the day off and do your own thing. You'll be very busy after this". I thank the CEO once again shaking his hand. I step foot out of the office, and see someone right next to the door.

"Congratulations", I launched a hug at Taekwoon Oppa, as be hugs me back tight. "I miss you", I tell to him. "I miss you more it hurts". Back then when I hear couples say this to each other I would cringe and think it's the most 'Cliche' thing to say. Now I value it, I would say sorry to them but nahh. "Same here". "Come on let's go", he tugged my hand to follow him. I held on to his hand happily as we entered his car. "Where are we going?, I ask. "Don't worry about it", he drove off to this place which I have no clue about.

"The CEO gave you three days to rest so you can prepare for your debut", he said. "Three Days!! Isn't that a lot?", I ask. "Not really since you are able to rest, practice in your own pace and relieve before the mayhem starts", he said holding my hand while the other is gripped on the steering wheel. "I'm so proud of you", he said and kissed the back of my hand. "Thank you, not without the mentors, the CEO, the staff, VIXX and especially you", I said. "In a months time you'll debut and I will always will be your number 1 fan", he said. "Awww".

He smiled, "We are not far now just a few more minutes". "Okay", we both listened to the music and sang to it in the meantime. "We're here", he pulls up. I still don't know where we are at since he wouldn't tell me and the parking space doesn't give me any information, "Before I let you out. Wear this Blindfold", he handed me a black and white handkerchief. "Okay", he left his seat and went over to mine side to help me out. But I really do wonder why I have to be blindfolded, I hear the car door open and Taekwoon Oppa taking my hand. I was still thinking about what will happen but I place my complete trust in him, "It won't be far". He carefully walks me to this place and I felt a different texture on where I walked at. It seems familiar but I shouldn't assume.

"We're Here", he takes off the blindfold and I was ASTONISHED. It's the sunset on the beach, hearing the sounds of the waves, the subtle wind and the palm trees swaying was more than perfect. He was back back hugging me for the longest time after he took off the blindfold. "You didn't have to do this", I said. It was too much. "You deserve it and we now have time together", he said. "I love you", I turned around to kiss him. "I love you more", he said between kisses. "Come on let's eat", he took my hand and we both walked to the beach house. "We're staying here for 3 days", he said while turning on the lights. "3 days? Don't you have work", I ask. "Nope, we have two weeks off and you also have a few days off", he said. "Oh", we both walked to the kitchen with the open doors.

A/N: Imagine the beach house that Edward and Bella went to when they got married ^_^

"It's so beautiful", I never thought to be into a place like this. "I'll cook you will rest okay?", he said. "Okay", If I said why he would give me a list of reasons. I looked for the room and see the suit case at the corner of my eye. As well a note. "Sunghae-ah this suit case is full of your clothes. I didn't raid your closet I asked help from your Stylist. See you when we finish, Taekwoon Jagiya". I open the suit case and saw the clothes I would usually wear, baggy shirts, shorts, sweatpants and my PJ's.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now