Chapter 52 - Not there yet... Maybe close.

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Taekwoon's POV

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Taekwoon's POV

"Are we finally here?" She said one more. I pulled up, "Yes we are, just stay here," she nodded and I left the car to go to her side. The other VIXX members, are standing there with a rose in their hands and Hongbin with a guitar. I look at all of them and they gave the thumbs up to bring Sunghae out. I got my good friends who are photographers and videographers to take some film for us. They did a good job of keeping it a secret, I open the door and see Sunghae sitting still, "I'll help you," I said and I took her hand and helped her out. Joohyun, came over to help to I could go to my place.

"You can take it off now," I quickly took the opportunity to walk to my position.

Sunghae's POV

When I took off the blindfold, I see my manager, the VIXX members and their managers as well. "What's happening?" I said. They didn't answer my question but played a song, 'Thank you for being born.'

"Don't stand there, walk" said Manager oppa he laughed. I started walking and they approached me with a rose. Hongbin was playing the guitar and the members sang while holding a rose each.

"Omo," I look at the all the photos with fairy lights. I continue walking and then I see Taekwoon singing. "Thank you so much,
Thank you for my love
For being born,
for being by my side,
I am born again because I met you," Taekwoon sang as he walked in front of me as the he and VIXX members are singing as well. "Now will you put this ring on? My love," he sang the last line and then he knelt down, "Chee Sunghae, I know you think it's too fast, don't worry, I'm not going to rush you. This is a promise ring. I know we are both idols and I know this will work, I know we haven't been meeting much, we both say that's 'It's alright, there's always a next time' but we also know that we're not okay. It hurts me to see you go through those rumours of us and other things, and if we plan to come out as a couple since the CEO and everyone that we know close to us has accepted we'll both stay together and ignore those malicious comments. Because we know that there are many more people who would accept and appreciate us.

We both know it's not easy, to keep it a secret I know how much we just want to go out comfortably. But society can be so cruel, they know we're human yet they won't let us do things that are normal to humans. Please, I promise you that I'll do everything to make you happy, feel loved and everything. Will you accept this promise?" My tears are falling. "I feel the same way, yes." He stood up and put the ring on my ring finger. We both hugged and kissed, "Thank you so much," I said. "No thank you, I never felt love like this," he said. "It's something I can't let go," he hugged tighter.

Hongbin's POV

I guess they really love each other... I should have fought for her. Have they done it yet? They shouldn't have, not to that extent. This may sound bad but I really want something happen to them, so I could get my chance.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now