Chapter 1 - My Normal Boring Life

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Kaisa Chee POV

I hear the birds singing, the sun through the blinds and my alarm going off. I yawned and stretched before getting out. I head to the bathroom. Washing my face, getting a clear view of my eye bags. Then the simple make-up. After that the uniform and the packing my bag with a ton of books. Before heading downstairs. I put my bag on the table, when I saw a note with money underneath. Dad already left for work. I wasn't bothered to make anything that's fancy so I went for the coffee and toast. Then I head out the door locking it behind me.

I arrive at school, noticing that I have a few minutes left to spare. I went to my locker to put some of my heavy books so I can carry the one's I need. After unlocking the padlock, I see a letter that has fallen out. It looks like someone has tried to put it through the door. I took out my binder putting the letter inside, along with the textbook. I walked to the Science Lab and saw a friend there. "Hi, how are you?". "I'm good just tired as always hehe, what about you?", she says. "I guess it alright, but I've a letter has fallen out of my locker when I opened it to take my equipment out". "What does it say?", she said. "I haven't read it yet, ehh might as well read it now", I replied bluntly.

I took out the letter from my binder, my hands were already shaking. Hopefully it's something good for once. "Hey, remember your the time when you one the talent contest? Too bad then, you better watch out!!". Claire also read it and took it away from me. "Don't worry I'm here, they're just jealous", she said rubbing my back. I knew it wasn't good, but I shouldn't worry about a small group people who is hating. More students came into the lab and took a seat while waiting for our teacher.

"Hello class, lets get settled and i'll mark the roll". While the rest of the students are getting settled, she was writing up the lesson on the board. I copied it down to save some time later.


"Okay so copy all these notes, as your exit pass". I yawned once more before taking my pen onto the paper. After all that is done, Claire and I head out the classroom into the cafeteria. "She's so boring",
Claire spoke out. I nodded as we both sat down, "Ahh, want do you want? My treat", Claire stood up taking out her wallet. "Hmm, I'll just get the Aloe Vera and a cookie". "Okay, I'll be back", she walked off to the counter.

I checked my phone and saw a new message. It's from my future step mother.

SM: Hii, what time will you be at home?
Me: Around after school
SM: Okay, but don't come home late. I have something for you :)
Me: Oh okay thanks.
•••End of Message•••

Hmm, what is it? I hope it's not anything bad. But the time I put my phone away claire came back with the snacks. "Thank you", as she hands me the food. She sat down and asked, "So what are you going to do Kaisa?" . "Well my future step mother wants me come home straight after school", I reply back. "Huh? What does she want? Well I'm just talking about the you know... The letter". "Oh, just let them be, letter of threat on paper, they are just trying to scare me".

I am a bit scared who knows what they can do. But I have other things to worry about. Like replacing the guitar string since they are starting to rust. "Hmm, but are you okay? I want you to be safe". "Yes, I'm fine", I replied simply.

I finish my food and threw the scraps in the bin. A couple of girls who with body shapes of sticks and potato's walked pass me saying, "OMG, why would she eat that?".

I was left with no words. I don't know what to say, it didn't hurt me but just eating a cookie and drinking Aloe Vera is nothing bad. I see don't the potato's eating healthy or those sticks  eating anything. Who am I to blame? I can't do anything. It's their fault, for not doing anything. I head to the Music Room while Claire went to the Library to study. I borrowed the keys to enter into the room and gave them back.

I went to the Piano and practiced a little bit recording a cover of Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang. After a few takes deleted the other video's with errors and kept the one for editing. Then I did the same thing with the guitar. Luckily I have a free period so I can go to the library to edit as soon as possible and hopefully, I will have the heart and confidence to post it.

As I got to the Library, I see Claire studying by herself. I sat in front of her then her head lifted up. "Can I sit here?". "Yes, I was hoping that you would finish early". I smiled back at her while opening my laptop to edit. I log into my account so I can see and edit the video's.

I start off with the Piano cover, then blend in with the Guitar in certain parts and vice-versa.

••• Time Skip •••

*Kring Kring*

The school bell rang. I packed up my stuff and walked straight out the gate, on the way home. I didn't bother putting my book back since, I have homework and i'll need to study.

I walked up the door unlocking it before I take off my shoes. I see Aunt Clarissa there. In the living room. "Oh hello, Kaisa put your things in your room and come back down", she stood up and walked to the kitchen while I went upstairs to unpack and change quickly.

I came back and see all these bags of clothing. My eyes widen at the amount. "Come sit", she pats on the couch next to her. I followed her direction and sat down where she told me to sit. "I've noticed that you haven't bought a lot of clothes for the past year".
"Yeah, well it's been hard making choices without someone's help especially mum", I still miss her till this every day.
"I know, sweetie so I've bought you new clothes, that I will hopefully fit your style", she taking off her hand off mine reaching for the bag of clothes for me to see. She hands over the bag to me and anticipate for me to look what's inside.

I see all these simple clothes with basic colours, also some with more of a design but kept in the neutral zone. I love them. "Thank you so much", I say and hugged her. I wasn't really that close to Aunt Clarissa but it's getting their.

"Okay, so i'll go and wash the new clothes while you can take your new shoes and study". I take the shoe to my room but I didn't do the studying but since I'm so tired.

Hello, so that's the first chapter. Getting the Glimpse of Kaisa's Life. I felt like it was boring. But at least she was able to stay strong from the 'Fat Shaming' comments due to her common sense.

So hopefully you enjoy this chapter.
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Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now