Chapter 77 - It's Over

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Taekwoon attention was captured. "What did they do? Were you hurt?" He sat next to me. I looked at Unnie and she gave me the sign to just explain to him. Manager Oppa, was sitting on the other side, waiting to see his reaction. "We went to the hospital to get checked up, and Unnie noticed the taxi following us, to and from the hospital," I explained calmly. "Look, it's just worrying how they are interfering your personal life because of me," he held my hand.

"Look we both know that these things will happen, you know what we can do," Unnie thought it was a good opportunity to take out her phone and show him the plate number. "We know what we can do, Noona can you send me the photo," it was a quick send, so he saved it and went onto his twitter and Instagram to post.

'This taxi with saseangs will face consequences if this happens in the future. Don't you dare hurt my fiancé," and another one saying, "Most of us have common sense and on our side we don't consider saseangs as fans and many would agree," it was posted and we checked the responses. "Let's see if they will send a direct message," said Unnie. "I don't think it's a good idea to just open it as they crave for attention," I said. "True, we'll see," she said. "If they'll continue, I'll press charges."

We could all tell that Taekwoon is protective about his loved ones privacy. Of course he knows that it was a simple visit to the doctors but still they followed us. I don't blame him, we just don't understand that we need privacy. "So how was the doctors appointment?" He asked. Manager oppa signalled Unnie to wait outside as Taekwoon and I are going to have a personal talk. "So what happened?" He said. "I went for the regular check up, then of course I have to check my breast for any signs," I said.

"What happened after that?"

"They told me to take a cat scan or x-ray thing and the results will come a few days after the wedding," I said. "So what are chances of you having cancer?" It's a question no one wants to know, but in all seriousness we would have to prevent now then cure later. "They did say it would say in the results, but if there is a chance I can avoid it by removing my breast or live with it," I said. "You said that we're going to have kids right?" He asked. "They already know that we are planning to."

"They said formula, is better than nothing. Also that I don't want to give the baby milk from a mother who has the potential to have cancer," I said. "I'm not against formula it's just you won't be able to experience what a mother naturally does to their baby," he sighed. "I know but look at the long run, we are still able to feed the baby and keep it healthy and safe while I am still here with you," I said. "You're right."

"We'll have time to think, it's not going to be so sudden," I held his hand to comfort him and he smiled. "We'll see."

Today we have our wedding rehearsal then the bachelor party for the guys and us. As I thought of it more I became more and more anxious as the day comes closer, it's not like I am doubting it's how I will present myself as a women who will get married and start a new life. Once you get married, the couple becomes one new person. So if it ever happens that I will have cancer then I don't know, it's something I would not want to be repeated.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now