Chapter 55 - Please help me...

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

As the days come closer to Manager oppa's surprise birthday, I was able to plan with the team and return back to school, and now able to meet Francis and Minah again. "So it's a surprise birthday you're planning, gosh you're busy, how do you do this?" Said Francis. "With lots of frustration," I said. "Well I am glad to see you healthy after all the work you have done, this calls for a celebration," said Francis. "Yes," Minah lost her voice a few days ago. "Don't strain your throat, here I have vitamins for you," I took them out of my bag for her to drink. 

"How do you have those?" Francis asked. "Well I am busy all the time, I couldn't afford to get sick also that I couldn't eat proper meals so these help," I said referring to the vitamins. "You lost so much weight," said Francis. "Please eat more," said Francis with a worried face. "Look I am eating, it's just they tell me to be more careful so I could maintain," I said. "Doesn't that suck?" He said. "It does, but I got used to it," I said. "Because you know, that idols have to maintain themselves before people would be hating if we gain at least 3kgs," I said.

"True, with a slight gain in legs they call it fat," said Francis. "Are you okay, Minah?" I ask and she nodded. "Do you still want to come?" I ask. "I want to, I'll be fine," she barely got that out. "We'll won't take long, so you can rest" I said, she nodded and gave the thumbs up. "What class do you have?" I ask. "I have maths," said Francis and Minah nodded in agreement. "I have science," I said picking up my bag, "I'll you soon, let's meet in the front," I said. "Sure," we all parted ways.

As I walked I was stopped by other students, "Are you dating Leo oppa?" The girls started asking. "No, we're good friends," I said clearly. "Are you sure?" I need to get out. "Yes, I am sure. I need to get to class now, excuse me," I left them standing. "I don't believe her, Leo oppa can't be close like that," one of the girls commented. "You never know, they could be close like family," I heard one girl say. "Shut up," I heard a slap, then my eyebrows rise, "Serves them right," I mumbled to myself while I entered into the classroom.


Nothing really happen in class but most of the girls faces in class were really trying to hold of asking 'Are you dating Leo?' Once the bell went I packed up my bag and went straight out to make it seem I have a schedule to head to. I made it out without anyone bothering me, "Hey Sunghae, where is Minah?" Said Francis as I approach him. "I don't know, we'll just wait for a few minutes," I suggest. "Okay," he replied.

Minah's POV

I finally got out of maths, away from the classroom and that horrible teacher. 'I hope I won't keep them too long,' I though as I speed walked to our meeting place. As I made my way, a group of men came up and snatched me away with only a few steps to the entrance, I try to fight them away but they were too strong. I was forced into a van, with other people inside, "Give me her phone," it was a female voice. The phone was in my hand, and the guy with a mask tries to take it away, with a taser zaps me on my waist causing me to flinch with the phone slipping out of my hand.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now