Chapter 9 - Typical Café Stories

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Kaisa's POV

As I review each of the offers, I think I have a clear view of what agency to choose. I know that LOEN And CUBE Ent, are out since their offers are not that great and I would like to stand out in an Entertainment. If it means to join a agency with does not have much ladies. I don't want to offend anyone if I didn't join their company but it's all about what they are going to advertise to me, if they want me to be in their company.

I am down to JYP or JellyFish. There are Idols in JYP that can speak english and I wouldn't be the only one who came from a different country but still. But I do love the style of the music JellyFish brings. At the same time, if I choose JYP, I would just be another Korean with talent from another country. But with JellyFish I would be the first one, I think.

My Brother went to Uni today but I don't know what time he'll be back. Since I forgot, where my relatives lived. Most likely they live far away from us. I was on a hiatus on the YouTube and I was getting worried if the viewers were waiting. I see the guitar in the corner of my room and see the strings rusty. Damn I have to change them, I was getting bored at home so, got changed quickly.

I took a train to Hongdae and looked at the clothing stores outside the department stores. I made sure I head to the music store and looked for guitar strings. I needed more clothes since I didn't bring my whole wardrobe to Korea. I was able to get a lot of clothes for a good bargain as well as quality. In Australia, well where I live the clothes can be cheap but the quality is not the best and the clothing that I would like is usually expensive unless I wait for a sale.

••• Time Skip •••

Now have a few bags in bags all around my wrist, I decided to go to the Café before I head home and repair the guitar. I walked into the closest coffee shop which was Starbucks, as I looked around all I see are people working, dates or just a hangout with friends. I couldn't help but eavesdrop at the conversations since they are loud.

About this girl met at a coffee shop near their college and they started talking, but they had to cut communications since the guy had a opportunity to go overseas or they found a really attractive barista and ended up getting their number. As well as a person coming up to their table to start a conversation and eventually end up falling in love.

They sound pretty cliché but depending what actually happens in the relationship can be cute. I got my order and sat down away from the noise, finally a little bit of peace and quiet from all the people advertising their store. I leaned back and put on my earphones which cancelled out the noise completely.

After taking a few long sips of my drink, I looked at it wondering how I finished it quickly. I threw my cup in the bin and sat back down to check the receipts from the items. I made sure I put them all in the bag before I loose them. I tend to keep the receipts to see how much I'm spending and what not.

It didn't take a while before I stood up to leave the store my phone rang. The fact I was wearing earphones, it was quite loud which gave me a shock. It was Oppa.

"Kaisa, where are you?", he asks.
"I'm at Hongdae at the moment, but I'm going home now".
"Okay, wait why are you at Hongdae?", my brother and his questions.
"I needed to buy guitar strings and new clothes".
"Ahh, okay don't be home late".
"Okay, bye".
"See you".

After I hang up, I looked up at the counter and saw someone with a mask looking at me. It seems like he's with a friend as well, but of course I don't know who it is. The guy in the mask seems similar though. Like the Ninja at the airport but he was wearing a sweater this time. I gave a slight smile before I stood up and go.

The train ride back home was really quiet, as in really but the Ahjumma's and Ahjussi's can talk sometimes. But the younger people would be told to stay quiet, it seems like the asians from other countries who talk. So it was fine to me. As I got home, I put the bags of clothes on the other side of the room and started repairing the guitar.

I put my guitar back and started organising the clothes. Since I would was before wear, I took off the tags and place in a corner where all the clothes are colour coordinated. I set up the camera, microphone and lighting before filming the cover and another separate video of why I was on a hiatus.

••• Time Skip •••

After editing both videos, I uploaded both on YouTube. Then I went back into looking at the receipts. I like to divide the money I have or earned, I told Oppa that since I'm living here I would help pay the bills since Appa was the one who bought the apartment. He disagreed with it, but as long as I'm not making a mess and I'm at least cooking for some of the days it's all good.

I looked over at the folder and saw all the paper work that I looked over this morning. 'This will not make a decision itself', I told myself. I'm still stuck in between JYP or JellyFish, Oppa told me that he will support me in anything I do. I think I am leaning towards JellyFish Ent.
Since the idols can coach or mentor me. Which I need because there is more for me to improve. Also they pay for nearly everything but of course i'll pay them back. I guess there's more but they are not all listed down or I'm just bothered reading.

Anyways this is the decision which takes a lot of time. I need to know what I am going into, I need to prepare myself; mentally, emotionally, physically well the five dimensions of health. But now I have a clearer view of what I would do. But now I wonder.

How will the mean girls react to this? When I left Australia to become an Idol. Are they going to become anti-fans and bash me or they'll just make fun that I choose doing the 'Asian Music' as my career. Well honestly I like listening to music with full of emotion, a message getting to someone or something like that. What they listen to is those songs that has no meaning, all about Sex, Money, Drugs, Bitches or F*ckboys.


Excuse the Language in the last few words of the chapter, I am sorry if anyone got offended or anything.
I was suppose to upload this chapter yesterday but I was busy since I was not at home at the time. I'm sorry.

The 'Ninja' again huh? Is he stalking her?
Is his friend the 'Wingman'?

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The New Year is fast approaching and I hope you all will celebrate the New Year with your loved ones. <3

Kamsahamnida and Fighting!!
Annyeong :)

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now