Chapter 28 - Yes I did and there's Nothing.

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Kaisa's POV

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Kaisa's POV

I continue to finish the rest of my homework even until Taekwoon Oppa is done with his shower. "You're doing homework? You need to rest", he said while walking in. "Yep, this needs to get done". "You can do it tomorrow, please get some rest", he back hugged me tight. "Okay then, I'll sleep on the couch you can sleep in my room". "No, sleep with me". "I'll pack up you can go first then", I shut down my laptop and packed up all my books. I took blankets and the pillow so I could sleep on the couch.

I laid down, got myself comfortable and slept

Leo's POV

I lay in her bed, looking at the time. 'Why she not here yet?' I thought. I went out to she where she was, I see the table all her books and stuff are packed up then I look at the couch. She's sleeping. Cute, but seriously. This girl.

She seems in deep sleep, I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I went back to get the pillow and blanket since it's a bit cold. I covered her with the blanket cause I see goosebumps forming. 'Why did you sleep on the couch' I sigh. I laid down beside her and look at her sleeping face, I took my phone and took a photo on since the lamp is still on. It made me smile. I turned off the light and slept next to her warmly.

Kaisa's POV

~ Next Morning ~

I feel really warm, I slowly open my eyes and a pair of arms wrapped around my torso. I look around and find myself in my room. Didn't I fall asleep on the couch?

"Good Morning", said Taekwoon pulls me closer to him. "Good Morning", I turn around to hug him. "You carried me to the bed didn't you?", I said. "Yes I did, you didn't listen. Naughty Girl". "No, I didn't want to disturb you and your sleep that's why". "But I didn't feel that comfortable sleeping without you", he said. "You've been sleeping alone with the members for like how many years?".

"It's because we're both in the same place that's why it would be better we'd sleep together", he tightens the hug. I rest my head on his chest. "I need to get up but I don't want to". "Then don't stay with me", he pulls me in for a kiss. "I need to brush my teeth", I said pulling out. "Same", I got out of bed but he pulls me back again. "Hey!". "It will be only a few minutes, I will be back", I said. "Fine", I got off the bed and quickly went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I finish wiping my face, "Hello". I jumped a little to see Taekwoon Oppa at the door.

He walked closer to me and gave me another back hug. "I said only a few minutes", I said clearly. "But it took forever", he whined. "Okay, go and clean yourself while I make breakfast", I said while trying to let go. "Please", he said. "Just don't take long then". "Okay", he took his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. I walked to the kitchen and toasted some bread, made omelettes and also prepared kimchi. 'He's so touchy, I wonder how it will be like to be married with him', I instantly shook it off my mind. 'It's only been a few months don't think too far'.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now