Chapter 65 - From Experience.

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

Turned out the reason why we all came together, is because we're all in a company concert. Which made us even more busy, Gugudan and I weren't able to meet, especially Taekwoon. I sit back on my chair in the office and closed my eyes, "Ahh my eyes hurt," causing water in my eyes to hurl up. "Annyeong," Hyeyeon, Mina and Sally came into the room with drinks. "We've got this for you," said Mina. "Ahhh thank you Mina-ah," I said gladly accepting the drink.

It does feel nice to have people close to my age in the company, we're able to relate more, become close to each other and also become friends quickly. "So what have you been doing?" Asked Sally, gosh slight accent when she speaks Korean is adorable. "Making music, hopefully one before the company concert," I said. "Wahhh daebak," they said. "What about you?" I asked. "Well we have sub-units and we're asking a favour from you," said Hyeyeon. "Sure what is it?" I asked. "Could you please dance with us?" Said Sally. "It'll be fun, don't worry the song we have chosen is not the super cute kind," said Mina. "But I am not good of a dancer, I don't want to hold you guys back," I said.

"We'll teach you along the way, and you won't hold us back," said Mina. "Also it will be a competition, so we'll get to win something," said Hyeyeon. "What is it?" I asked. "We're not sure yet, but there will be," Sally answering my question. "Prize or no prize, I'll do it," I said. "YAYY!!" They cheered. "Thank you so much," they said. "So when is practice?" I asked. "Now, since we booked the dance practice room, if it's okay with you," said Mina. "Sure let's go," I shut down my computer and took my stuff to the dance practice room.

"So what song is it?" I ask putting down my things on the seats. "You're the Best by Mamamoo," said Hyeyeon. "Wahhh, I love that song," I said rejoicing. "It would be better since it is a 4 member group," Said Mina. We all watched the dance practice video, "It's more of having fun, but we still have to follow the choreography," I said. "Yeah," they all said. "Okay, let's get started," said Hyeyeon and we all got up.

So we just learnt by copying the mirrored video and messed around, "We still need to practice it before we look like fools," I said. "Of course, we'll contact each other when we could practice," said Mina. "Okay, before we go let's take a photo," we all got closer and used our phones and took many photos before choosing 3 to post on instagram. "Hmm what caption?" I asked. "Please look out for us!!" Said Hyeyeon. "Yep," I typed it down since it could be a teaser for the fans to know that we're collaborating.

"Sunghae-ah, do you have any schedules?" Asked Sally. "Hmmm not that I know of," I said. "Let's take you out, we all have free time," said Mina. "Sure, I can't turn it down," we all stood up and went to the nearest KBBQ place. We were quickly served and the meat and side dishes came straight away. "So how did you're family react when you started dating him?" Said Mina. We were seated away from the costumers so we could talk properly to each other, "They weren't mad, more than thankful that I did, because of my previous relationship," I said. "Why what happened?" Said Sally. "Sally unnie," said Hyeyeon she lightly slapped her arm. "Its okay, I will explain it like nothing is going to happen, everyone knows," I said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now