Chapter 22 - Expectations & Reality.

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Kaisa's POV

"So I'll be just watching a drama shoot?", I ask. "Yes, so no need to worry about acting", said the CEO. "Okay, so I'll be on my way now, Thank you", I said before leaving. "You also need to vlog your trip", he said before I opened the door. "Okay", I head into the van and turned on the camera. "Annyeonghasyeo, so right now I'm on the way for the next schedule which is me just observing a drama shoot and hopefully learn from the actors. I wasn't told what drama I'm going to watch so we'll find out together", I stopped recording.

In the meantime I spent my time playing cytus. On the iPad since it's so much better than playing on the phone. I was able to finish two chapters, before I got to the venue. "Kaisa-ssi, we're here", I look up and see my manager looking at the game I'm playing. "Is that Cytus?", said the manager. "Yes it is", I replied. "I play that game as well, what level are you on?", said Manager-nim. "I'm up to chapter loom", I reply. "Ohh, sorry to keep you behind. You need to go to your schedule", said the manager.

"It's alright, thank you", I took my bag and left the van. I walk around to find the director, but the director found me. "Annyeonghasyeo, are you Kaisa?", said a man. "Yes I am Kaisa", I reply. "Okay, I am the director the CEO told me that your going to watch and learn from the drama shooting", he said. I followed him to where all the cameramen, actors, actresses and the production crew are. "Everyone, this is Kaisa. Kaisa this is the whole Moorim School production crew", he said. "Annyeonghasyeo, my name is Kaisa. Nice to meet you, please take care of me", I said politely. They all introduced themselves to me one by one, but I didn't know that Hongbin was left behind for this. "Wow Kaisa-ah your here", he gave me a hug. "Yeah the CEO sent me here", I gave him a hug back.

"Okay guy's places", shouted the director. "I gotta go, see you", said Hongbin. "Kaisa sit here, watch and I'll tell you what's happening". I sat next to the director and watched them act. They didn't tell me what scene they're going to act out, but I was a bit surprised when one of them spoke in english. "I'd be happy, if both of you leave. But I'd be satisfied if one of you leave for now", said the actor. "Woah", I whispered hoping no one would hear. Then I remembered the director is sitting next to me, shit. I continued to watch the scene and now there's this expectations and reality fight scene. Just seeing them both fight is really cool like they are total pros, then yeah...

"CUT!!", said the director. "What do you think?", he asked me. "Oh it was great, I like the effort they placed into their acting", I said. "That's glad to hear, I really appreciate it", he replied. "Hello Kaisa", I turned around and it was a girl and a guy. "My name is Xander, nice to meet you", he said. He's good at English. "Hello my name is Shannon", she seemed to have a British accent. "Hello, nice to meet you", I said. "What do you think of our drama?", said Xander. "It's really good, it seems my type that I'd like to watch", I replied. "How's your training life?", asked Shannon. "Well it can be hard, but I'm still enjoying it", I said. "I know how you feel", she said.

"So can you give me some tips on acting?", I ask. "Yeah, sure Seo Yejin is a great actress she'll help you", said Shannon. "Yejin Unnie", she shouted. She turned around with food in her mouth, she made her way to us with her plate. "Shannon, Kaisa I got some food for you", she gave us the plate with Pizza. "Gomawo", I said. "Aish, no worries. No need for formal language", she added. "So can you help Kaisa with some acting", said Shannon while she's munching on her pizza.

"Sure, so in preparation for your character you have to research the type of person the character is. Then when you act you just leave your real self and transform into that character. As well as assessing the situation so you won't over react or underestimate the scene. Also when it comes to crying put yourself into the characters shoes, or think that your character is you and that's happening in real life, another one would be thinking what makes you cry. Just don't be too strict with the lines just play along and relax", she said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now