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Hello Readers~~

I would've mentioned it in the previous chapter but I would just make a new chapter.
I am planning for a new Fanfiction, obviously I won't say anything. So Please anticipate :)

But I don't like this time of the School Term when there are Assessment Tasks and Exams all due at the same week/ day. So I want to concentrate more on my studies so I can achieve better grade since senior year can be a challenge.

Also I am performing with my friend on Harmony Day (it comes once a year) so it's a day where we all celebrate different cultures and become one. I will be playing the guitar while my friend sings. I don't want to hog the stage so it would be best if we would have a different role. Which means I have to practice now and then, so I could give my best performance.

Which means I would be on Hiatus for a few weeks, until this is all finished. I maybe update sometimes but not every 3-5 days.

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Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now