Chapter 42 - I will show you the door to Reality

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

"What kind of makeup would you like for this type of event?" Asked Unnie. "Let's go with simple only, natural kind," I said. "I don't want to be the student who wears layers of makeup that's uncomfortable," I said. Since I let Minah go first with her makeup and Unnie intended to do so she's now sitting next to me watch my makeup being done. "Do you wear makeup when you were here?" Asked Minah. "Sometimes, but it's not common for me so when people ask if I do they are surprised that I can do it naturally since the first timers in school go super caked," I said.

"Ohhh, you just went with BB cream, tint and all that right?" She said. "Yeah that's basically it and the other girls go and use expensive as brands and go show it off at school," I said. "Wow it seems like they want to get their belongings stolen and sold by another student," said Unnie. "Yeah that has happened before actually," I said. "Oooh what kind of things were stolen?" Minah said. "Phones, bags, tablets, money such things that costs money," I said. "What happened if they got caught?" Said Unnie. "I heard they got expelled, since they were stolen and sold also they had to report to the police," I said.

"It's only a small amount of students and those are the rude, dumb and all that right?" Asked Minah. "Yeah that's basically it, we do have those types of kids here. But not to that extent," I said. "True, we asian people are always restricted and discipline to follow and obey," said Unnie. "You got that right," I said. "Okay, I'm finished let's see if the manager is waiting," we all turned off the lights and went down stairs to see the manager oppa on his phone, "Took you guys a while," he said. "Sorry, remember we have a image to maintain," I said. "True, okay let's go." I locked the door behind me as we are leaving, and entered in the van.

"Westfield High School? Right?" He said while turning on the van. "Ne~ it's not that far from here." He began driving, it was about 5-10 minutes or so. The traffic wasn't that bad so we got there with that time, "We're here," he said. We all got out and I lead them to the front office. "Hello, Kaisa Chee welcome back," the principal greeted. "Hello Ms Powers, it's great to be back," I said. "This is my manager, Joohyun, Nayoung and Minah, they are here with me," I said. "Hello nice to meet you," they said. "Nice to meet you too, come to my office," she said.

We all walked in with her and sat, "So today you'll be talking to your grade about having goals, also there will be activities as well related to what you did in your training and you guys will be able to sit in one of her former classes and see what they do," she said. "Okay that seems good," I said. "Are we allowed to take photos?" Said the manager. "Yes you can, if it's with other students you can ask them if they will allow it," she said. He nodded, "So when will I talk to the students?" I ask. "After recess 2 which is in 15 minutes, they already set up in the hall so you can practice your song if you like," I said. "Yeah, we'll practice there for the remaining time, thank you very much for having us," I said.

We all walked inside the hall, the names on chairs with notes like usual. "Hey, Kaisa" said Jordan. He handed me the microphone, "Nice to see you again, how is it?" He asked. "It's been going well just very busy as usual," I said. "I see, well I'll see you soon" he said before he left. "Who's that?" Asked Nayoung. "That's Jordan we both went to the same primary school," I said. "Oohhh okay, just making sure," she said. "Making sure of what?" I asked. "That he's one of the people who bully you," she said. "Oh no, it's the girls who bully me not the guys, I will show them to you, since in some of the classes they are my classmates," I said.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now