Chapter 58 - Was it a Wise Choice?

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Sunghae's POV

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Sunghae's POV

So Taekwoon and I have been very comfortable with out relationship now, there were many articles with them support or disagreeing with this but at the end of the day, if we're happy with ourselves than we are. I can't stress more, specially that we haven't found Francis and Minah. "Look we'll find them soon," said Taekwoon sitting next to me. I sighed, "I just don't seem to get why they would be targets," I said. He put his around my shoulder, and gently rubs it while his head rest on my other shoulder. "We'll find them," he said.

"I'm also really grateful that the fans has excepted our relationship as well, despite that there are people hating," I said. "At least we can care about the ones who support the most," he says as he hugs me. "I want to go find them, but I have to go to my schedule," I said. "We'll find then after I'll go with you along with the investigators," he said. "Are you sure? Don't you have schedules," I ask. "Not as of now, since the musical is done, I'll go," he said.

"Uhmm, I don't want to suddenly enter and disturb you guys and your business but Sunghae we got to go now since there is bad traffic," yelled out Manager oppa from the door. I hear Taekwoon laugh, "WE'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING!!" I yell out so he could hear me. "I JUST WANT TO BE SAFE!!" He replied. "Blah blah blah," I roll my eyes while I get my bag. "You guys are basically brothers and sisters," said Taekwoon. "Thank you," I said. "I'll see you soon," he said. "Bye babe," he kisses me and I see Manager waiting by the wall.

"I was not doing anything," I said walking with him. "Then what were you doing?" He asks. "I was reading some articles about the relationship and also checking out where Minah and Francis might have been. It's been roughly about a week since they have not been found yet, note to give or take two days or so. "I miss them, even though we don't see each other we do call and text, but now," I said sitting down on the car seat. "We'll find them after our schedule," he said. "Right, we have a fan meeting," I said. "Your fans will cheer you up," said Manager oppa as he is driving.

"Is there anything you need?" He asked. "Hmm is the traffic that bad?" I ask. "Well yeah, car crash so there will be heavy traffic and we won't be able to use the emergency indicator much," he said. "Yeah, it'll be useless. Let's go to Starbucks," I said. "Good choice," he said as we take a turn to the closest Starbucks. I ordered, iced mocha and cookies. While manager oppa ordered his, they knew that we are in a hurry, it came quickly and made back to the road. "Was speeding the cause?" I ask. "Probably, well I mean I heard that there were having a race here and it must've went out of control," he said as we pull up to the car in front of us.

"It's slowly moving," I said drinking. "Yeah, hopefully we're not that late," he said. The car keeps on moving slowly, but I have no hope that we'll be there on time.


We were 10 minutes late, "I am very sorry for my tardiness due to the traffic. I should've went earlier," I bowed to the fans. "It's okay," they all shouted. "No need to apologise," one said and they all nodded. "We understand your situation," one said. "Thank you everyone for understanding," I said. "We'll start the Q&A," said the host. I sat down behind the table and they placed in front of me a transparent box with paper inside containing questions. 

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now