Chapter 74 - It will be worth it.

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*Smut Warning!!* At the end of the chapter

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*Smut Warning!!* At the end of the chapter...
Sunghae's POV

As expected it spread like wildfire, everyone knows now. Even the students at school knows about it, even the ones in Australia. Minah, Francis are particularly excited about it even though. Of course we both got the negative responses how I'm too young, it was the wrong time, why do we have to make it worse for someone, or that it was a scam from the start when I auditioned for Jellyfish. But I couldn't care less anymore, I've committed.

Taekwoon is still completing his promotions with VIXX, but from time to time we started to plan for the wedding. This time Appa and Aunt omma, are staying in Korea to help us out, Minah Unnie, Aunt Omma and Nayoung are sitting around me planning. "So what date do you want to have your ceremony?" The pen twirl between Minah unnie's fingers. "Have you talked about it with Taekwoon?" Asked Aunt omma. "Yeah we have, since the CEO will give us two a hiatus we can have the wedding maybe before Taekwoon's new musical," I said. "So in October?" Asked Nayoung. "Most likely," I said and Minah Unnie wrote it down on the notebook.

"Okay, you'll discuss the ceremony and reception with Taekwoon, we'll talk about the gowns and the girl related stuff while Taekwoon will talk about the suits and what not with your brother and fathers," said Aunt omma. "Okay, I'll do that," I said.


After brainstorming and planning before the wedding organisers gets contacted. Honestly I never felt so clueless with all of this wedding stuff, but hey there's a first time in everything. Aunt omma, Minah unnie and Nayoung left for their separate commitments which left me sitting alone still thinking what to do. "I guess this won't be a long engagement," I sighed.

I stared on the notepad for a few minutes before deciding to split them up into sections for Taekwoon and I to be allocated to. So I far under 'To be Discussed,' with Taekwoon are the;

• Location
• Time & Date
• Theme/ Colour Scheme whatever you call it.
• Price
• Invites
• Wedding Roles

Probably nearly everything, except for the dresses and suits. I look through my ipad and look through the Internet for some wedding dress inspiration.

Back when I was younger I never really thought of that 'Perfect Wedding' I would like, I didn't have those fantasies of what will happened and what not. I didn't dream of the dress and how the groom will dress, and other girls thought I was weird for not thinking like that. I would also guess that I didn't think of that since all I had on my mind was Omma. People say that just get over it, but that hurts the most. What happens if I said that, the effect would be on them.

I also didn't really want to feel to lose a significant other, especially after seeing Appa lose Omma. I don't want to experience something like that, but it happens sometime at an old age. I didn't notice the time until I realised that I was bookmarking one too many dresses into a folder so Taekwoon doesn't see it, while we both look through the inspirations for the ceremony and reception.

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now