Chapter 29 - What is Time? Does it exsist?

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Kaisa's POV

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Kaisa's POV

"Since when?!?!", I talk to Minah on the phone. "I not very sure when it started but this girl keeps on asking why you're away or why you are dismissed early", she said. "Does she know privacy? I have other commitments and this school understands why", I said. "I know, there are really nosy people here. They just want to know everything", she said. "You got that right", I continue to work on my music on my laptop. "Well all I know we have to be careful with that person. She hasn't even introduced herself yet", she said. "Wow, that's nice. Oh well just keep observations and let's see what she wants". "Yeah, I want to she where her nose sticks at", she said.

"Hahaha", I laugh out. "So how is your work?", She asked. "Well getting busier and busier. It will pay off hopefully", I said. "Yes it will, okay I'll leave you to it", she said. "Okay, we'll talk later", I said. "Bye", we both say before hanging up. Taekwoon Oppa and I have been really busy the past few weeks so we weren't able to meet up as much. But he keeps on calling and texting to stay strong and it won't last long till we can have quality time together. I haven't told Taekwoon about it, since he would become too overprotective about it.

I finished working out in the morning my body is just getting used to the pain. I've had more vocal lessons, dance lesson name it all. It's really tiring but I have to endure it. Since Taekwoon Oppa and I have been a lot busier. I really want to see him, he's like my source of energy. "How are you?", said the Bora Unnie. I came in the recording room. "I'm good", I said while I sat down next to her. "You miss him don't you", she said. "Yes I do, but it is how it is", I bluntly replied. "Don't worry, time will come. So in the meantime we should practice your songs for the album", she said.

Yes, It's nearly close to my debut. I choose to keep my stage name as Kaisa so it can be easier for the audience to know. I am nervous, I want to perform well and please them. I won't expect wins at first since I am a rookie and lots of awards as well. "Okay, so go into the recording box and I'll listen to your singing", she said. I followed her instruction and went. After 3 or so minutes for the title song, "That's really good, just practice more then you'll nail it. Okay let's record it", she said. "Ne~", The music starts again.

"Yes, okay I will let the CEO listen while you're at the dance practice". I nodded, "Okay, hopefully he will be impressed", I said. "He will be don't worry. You better go to your dance practice", she said. "Yeah, I should it starts in a few minutes", I said. I quickly made my way to the practice room and see the dance instructor setting up. "Annyeong, are you ready?", she said, "Annyeong, yes unnie". "Okay, we'll run through this and wait for the other dancers to come and then we all will practice together and film it for the CEO and the YouTube channel", she explained.

In the few minutes of practicing the dance, the rest came in and sat down to watch. Once the performance finished they all clapped, "You are doing so well. You have lots of potential", they say. "Thank you very much", I bow and sat down with them so we could listen to Unnie speak. She basically repeated everything she told me so now it's twice as clear. The Music played and she danced with us, "1, 2, 3, 4 ba da da ra", she said while dancing with us. Once it finished, "Good work just remember to just look at yourself in the mirror and see how you and how you can portray yourself", she said. "Okay, we'll go for one more and then film".

Don't Worry, I'm Here [VIXX LEO/ JUNG TAEKWOON] ~Currently Editing~Where stories live. Discover now